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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Idlelo Logo Contest

The Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) is sponsoring a logo contest to re-brand its biennial conference, IDLELO.


3 short-listed candidates will each receive an attractive Idlelo Package. Winner will receive a Cash prize.

The Challenge

Your mission is to provide a logo with an African theme for Idlelo. The logo should also bear in mind the meaning of Idlelo – common grazing ground. You are free to choose whatever colour you desire.

How to Participate

Send your entries by email to not later than the 31st of March, 2009.


Winners will be selected by a Jury made up of:

FOSSFA Web Administrator
FOSSFA Secretariat Manager
One FOSSFA Council member
One FOSSFA Executive member
One FOSSFA member
One Design Expert (Outsider)
The jury will grade entries using the following criteria:

Conformity with the meaning of Idlelo
African Theme
Elegance of Design
The jury shall have the sole authority and discretion to select the award recipient(s).

Contest Rules

Out of the entries obtained, three candidates will be shortlisted. Each of these entrants will receive an Idlelo Package. Out of the shortlisted candidates One winner will be selected. One cash prize will be awarded to the winning entry. If you are selected as a contest winner, you agree that FOSSFA may publicize your name, likeness, and the description of work you did to win the contest. Apart from the prizes associated with being selected as a winner, FOSSFA shall not be obligated to compensate you in any way for such publicity. Each entrant shall indemnify, defend, and hold FOSSFA harmless from any third party claims arising from or related to that entrant's participation in the Contest. In no event shall FOSSFA be liable to an entrant for acts or omissions arising out of or related to the Contest or that entrant's participation in the Contest. No prize substitution is permitted. Winner(s) may be required to verify their entry.


The winning entry will be announced on the site. Following the announcement, individual winners will be notified by e-mail.

The winning entry will be unveiled during opening ceremony of Idlelo 4 scheduled to take place in May 2010.

For more information, please contact the FOSSFA Secretariat at

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