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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kenya Youth Empowerment Project Employment Opportunities

The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), the umbrella body for the private sector in Kenya, has been tasked with the management of Component 2 of the Kenya Youth Empowerment Project (KYEP).

The KYEP, providing private sector internships and work experience to youth of 15 – 29 years of age will run from 2010 to 2014, and is supported by the Office of the Prime Minister; Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, and the World Bank. KEPSA is seeking to appoint four key staff to manage and implement this project, initially on two-year contracts.

Project Director

Under the guidance of the KEPSA CEO, the Project Director will:
  • Oversee the management, coordination and communication of all project activities and outputs under the KYEP, including planning and budgeting to realise all the programme objectives;
  • Supervise the finalization of the Operations Manual (OM) for Component 2 of the KYEP;
  • Recruit and supervise all technical and support staff within the KYEP Department at KEPSA;
  • Manage and coordinate all local and international contractors providing services to the KYEP Department;
  • Oversee the development of internships, recruitment and placement of interns;
  • Facilitate the development and preparation of Sector Board Training Plans;
  • Oversee the procurement of training providers and ensure the logistics are in place for the delivery of training;
  • Monitor and report on internships and training activities to the KEPSA CEO; and
  • Prepare quarterly and annual progress reports as well as completion reports and audit reports of Component 2 of the KYEP;
  • Liaise with the World Bank; Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports throughout the project.
Minimum Job Requirements:
  • University degree in Business, Economics, Social Development or other relevant fields
  • At least ten (10) years of relevant experience in project design; implementation and management;
  • Experience in developing, monitoring and managing projects funded by international financial institutions is highly desirable;
  • Knowledge of Kenya and local institutional processes;
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Proficiency in spoken and written English, with knowledge of Swahili an asset; and
  • Demonstrated ability to build, manage and work in a team.
Project Accountant

Under the guidance of the Project Director, the Project Accountant will:
  • Develop and implement the World Bank financial management system to include:
  1. Financial reports;
  2. Project progress reports; and
  3. Procurement management;
  • Develop and implement the accounting control procedures for the disbursement of the proceeds of the KYEP;
  • Maintain proper accounting and administrative records for all the KYEP-funded project activities;
  • Prepare the annual budget of the KYEP-funded activities based on the Annual Procurement Plan;
  • Consolidate and reports on the financial status and performance of all the KYEP-funded activities on a monthly basis;
  • Maintains records and accounts to reflect the PMU’s operation and financial condition.
Minimum Job Requirements:
  • University degree in Business Management, Finance or Accounting;
  • CPA(K) qualified
  • At least five (5) years experience in financial management;
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English;
  • Good command of Computer Programs and Applications.
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Under the guidance of the Project Director, the M&E Officer will:
  • Refine the Results Framework in line with World Bank’s modalities;
  • Define the program log frame, key performance indicators (inputs, outputs, outcomes) for monitoring the project; their target values and specifying the timing and format of reporting;
  • Be responsible for the management and maintenance of the MIS system for collecting and reporting indicators, to ensure that data are regularly reported and entered into the MIS;
  • Ensure efficient and regular monitoring of reports to the PMU Project Director, analyzing progress and performance as well as highlighting areas of concern;
  • Prepare the documentation for review with the KEPSA CEO/Board;
  • Be responsible for the mid-term review report;
  • Prepare Terms of Reference (ToRs) for local and international contractors engaged in monitoring and evaluation and impact evaluation of the project;
  • Oversee the delivery of the services and reports from local and international contractors;
  • Assist in the intern placement process (matching applicants selected by the lottery to relevant employers by creating and coordinating a short-listing committee);
  • Oversee impact evaluation activities; baseline questionnaire design; data collection and data analysis;
  • Present and disseminate results through workshops;
  • Support the communications and PR Strategy for the Project.
Minimum Job Requirements:
  • University Degree in Business; Economics; Statistics or related fields;
  • A minimum of eight (8) years experience in project/program monitoring and evaluation, in addition to the operation of management information systems.
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English, with Swahili considered an asset;
  • Good command of computer programs and applications with significant capabilities in computerized database and spreadsheet construction, as well as their practical application, and report writing;
  • Survey and data analysis.
Procurement Officer

Under the guidance of the Project Director, the Procurement Officer will:
  • Ensure the procurement of all goods; works and services associated with project activities in accordance with IDA procurement procedures ;
  • Prepare procurement documents and participates in the evaluation process for suppliers, contractors and consultants for goods, works; services and training (specifications, bidding documents, requests for proposals, terms of reference, evaluation of offers with recommendations for contract award, and preparation of documentation for contract signing and payments);
  • Develop and maintains an updated procurement plan;
  • Maintain accurate procurement records, including all actions and documents for review by the World Bank’s supervision missions. This includes advertisement, preparation of bids, invitation to bid, record of bid submissions, bid opening, evaluation of bids, contract award and performance of the contracts;
  • Facilitate post-review and procurement audits on a random basis by the World Bank’s supervision missions.
  • Carry out post-award contract administration and management
Minimum Job Requirements:
  • University degree in Supply Chain Management, Accountancy, Business, Management or other related field;
  • At least eight (8) years experience in procurement of goods, services and works for social development projects;
  • Good knowledge of international donors’ procurement procedures;
  • Experience in contract management;
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English;
  • Good command of Computer Programs and Applications;
  • Familiarity with and capacity to utilize accounting software capable of producing reports to comply with World Bank requirements.
Interested candidates who meet the requirements above are requested to submit their detailed CVs along with a letter motivating their interest in the position to the following address, indicating the post they are interested in; and providing details of current remuneration, and the names and addresses of at least three (3) referees, not later than Friday, 12 February, 2010.

Please consider your application to be unsuccessful if you have not been contacted within three weeks of the closing date.

HR Committee
Kenya Private Sector Alliance
P.O Box 3556 - 00100

Or Email: info @

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