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Friday, January 29, 2010

Vacancy Announcement for Assistant Engineer

27 January 2010
JEN (Japan Emergency NGOs) is an international NGO whose secretariat is located in Tokyo, Japan. JEN puts its utmost efforts into restoring a self-supporting livelihood both economically and mentally to those people who have been stricken with hardship due to conflicts and disasters. At present, JEN works in several countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Iraq, Myanmar, Indonesia, and Haiti. JEN launched the Sudan Programme in April 2007 and is currently implementing the School Water Sanitation Project composed in Lainya, Morobo and Kajokeji county, Central Equatoria State.
To implement the said project, we invite qualified candidates to apply for the position of:
Assistant ENGINEER 
      Duty station:  Morobo county
      Duration:  3 months (February – April)
      Period for recruiting: 28 January 2010   to 5 February 2010 
Indication of Tasks:
Under the supervision of the Project Engineer, the incumbent of the post is required to perform the following specific duties:
  • Assist in the preparation of the designs, specifications, bills of quantities and cost estimates for the construction of school latrines as well as drilling works.
  • Supervise day to day construction works of the building sites to make sure the design specifications and quality standards are adhered to.
  • Review the progress of the project and advise the contractor on the need of resources increase to meet the agreed delivery schedule.
  • Keep the records of the work completed
  • Monitor quality of work and test the construction materials and certify the suitability for construction works
  • Prepare daily/weekly progress reports and submit to the Project Engineer
  • Represent JEN to the local authorities as and when required
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Minimum of 3- 5 years relevant experience
  • Computer skills in application of basic software
  • A strong background and experience in implementing water and sanitation programmes in South Sudan.
    This position is only open to Sudanese Nationals, and Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
Submission of Applications:
    Qualified candidates may submit their application including a letter of interest, complete curriculum vitae and copies of relevant testimonials by email: or by hand delivery to our office in Hai Malakia, Nimra Talata Rd.
Sincerely yours,

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