The Anti-counterfeit Agency (A.C.A.) is a state corporation established under the Anti-counterfeit Act of 2008 with a mandate to spearhead efforts of educating and prohibiting the making, trading and dealings on all kinds in counterfeit products.
The A.C.A. requires a LOGO and a TAGLINE that will correctly and distinctly reflect its mandate and corporate focus.
The Agency therefore invites interested individuals and/or firms designers into a competition to design the logo and the tagline.
The winning entries will be awarded the following prices:
- Best entry – Kshs.100,000/=
- 1st runner-up – Kshs.70,000/=
- 2nd runner-up – Kshs.50,000/=
- The winner’s entry or any other entry that participate in the competition may be subject to modifications and the Agency will adopt the wining logo/tagline and have it registered as its copyright.
- The logo/tagline must be clearly and distinctly identifiable for application on all corporate platforms. The design shall be accompanied by a written description of its features and meaning.
- The design should be in black & white and in high resolution colour, put in 10 hard copies on A3 paper and in PDF/JPEG/TiFF soft copy in a window readable C.D. Any material submitted by an entrant shall belong and remain the property of the Agency.
- The competition is open to all competent individuals, institutions and firms/companies in Kenya.
- They should provide their names, postal address, e-mails and day time telephone/mobile numbers along with any other relevant information.
- Judges decision is final and not open to appeal whatsoever.
All submissions should be posted or deposited in plain sealed envelopes in the tender box located on the 23rd floor, Telposta towers on or before 29th June 2010 at 11.00 a.m., clearly marked “ANTI-COUNTERFEIT LOGO DESIGN COMPETITION” and addressed to:
The Board Chairman, Anti-Counterfeit Agency.
Telposta Towers, P.O. Box 30418-00100 Nairobi.
Entries will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of the entrants or their representatives who choose to attend at the 23rd floor board room.
Head, Supply Chain Management.
For Permanent Secretary