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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Town Clerk, City Council of Nairobi Job Vacancy: Public Service Commission of Kenya

Public Service Commission of Kenya

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the position shown below.

Town Clerk, City Council of Nairobi

(Three Years Renewable Contract)
One (1) Post
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Local Government
V/No. 1 45/2009

Salary Scale: KSh.213,640 - KSh. 433,280 p.m.
(Job Group SS.1)

Salary and other benefits

  • Starting Salary - KSh.213,640 p.m.
  • House Allowance - KSh. 80, 000. 00 p.m.
  • Entertainment Allowance - KSh. 80, 000. 00 p.m.
  • Extraneous Allowance - KSh. 75, 000. 00 p.m.
  • Domestic Servant Allowance - KSh. 15, 600.00 p.m.
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must:
  • have served as Town Clerk/Deputy Town Clerk (SS 2) for at least three (3) years in a local authority;
  • have served for at least twelve (12) years in the Public or Private Sector and be at the level of Job Group 'Q' for at least two (2) years or an equivalent managerial position in the Public or Private Sector.
  • possess a Bachelor of Laws Degree and qualified in accordance with Sections 12 and 13 of the Advocates Act;
  • be in possession of a Masters Degree in Business Administration, Public Administration or any other acceptable equivalent qualification from a recognized university.
  • be visionary, self driven with outstanding knowledge and experience in management of a large multi-stakeholder organization;
  • demonstrate professional and administrative capability and experience to drive the Council to provide quality services;
  • be able to motivate and inspire diverse staff and to cultivate cordial and productive working relations with stakeholders; and
  • demonstrate thorough understanding of the National Goals, Objectives and aspirations of Nairobi as a leading Metropolis in Africa.
Duties and Responsibilities

The Town Clerk is the Executive Officer of the City Council of Nairobi.

The duties will involve advising the Council on financial matters; handling general correspondence on behalf of the Council and giving legal advice to the Council.

He/She will perform all duties as specified in the third schedule of the Local Government Act (Cap 265).

The Clerk will also be responsible for implementation of the Strategic Plan, ensuring that the Council has an integrated Development Plan and that the Council is financially stable.

Specific duties will include:
  • providing transformative leadership to the Council;
  • instituting, encouraging and managing cordial relations between the political administration and the executive sections of the Council;
  • instituting financial management reforms to enable the Council become financially self sustaining;
  • developing human resource capacity to manage the affairs of the Council's sustainably;
  • instituting the revitalization of the Nairobi economy through profiling and instituting investments in the infrastructure and creating an enabling environment; and
  • leading multi-sectoral efforts to improve the quality of life in the City.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications online through any one of the Commission's Websites and OR by completing ONE application form PSC 2 (Revised 2007).

This form is available free of charge at the Public Service Commission of Kenya, Commission House, Harambee Avenue, Nairobi or in any Government office throughout the country.

The form may also be downloaded from the Commission's websites.

Shortlisted candidates will be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and testimonials during interviews.

Applicants should NOT attach copies to the application form.

Serving officers will be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post before the interview.

Completed application forms should be sent to:

The Secretary
Public Service Commission of Kenya
P.O. Box 30095 -001 00

so as to reach the Commission on or before, 9th April, 2009.

Bernadette M. Nzioki, EBS
Public Service Commission of Kenya

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