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Friday, March 6, 2009

Finance and Administration Officer Job Vacancy: CIFA

CIFA a not-for-profit organization that is donor funded and provides community development assistant to pastoralist communities in Marsabit and Moyale, is seeking to recruit a qualified, innovative and result-oriented Finance and Administration Officer.

Reporting directly to the Chief Executive Officer, the successful candidate will be responsible for the finance and administrative functions of the organization.

Specifically, the Finance and Administration Officer will be responsible for:-

  • Reviewing and strengthening financial and management accounts system;
  • Ensuring that all donor reports are submitted in a timely and accurate manner and to the donor's specifications;
  • Reviewing and updating the accounting manual and ensuring strict adherence to laid out procedures in the manual;
  • Ensuring all purchases are made according to laid down procedures and that all supporting documentation are attached prior to payments being made;
  • Providing the organization's and donor Auditors with all necessary accounting information and working with them to complete satisfactory audits;
  • Ensuring the implementation of sound administrative systems and procedures;
  • Staff and payroll management;
  • Ensure compliance with all the statutory requirements.
The successful candidate will be based in Marsarbit. Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Commerce degree and CPA(K) qualifications. They must have at least 5 years experience in financial and personnel management and must be able to work with minimum supervision.

In addition, they should have good administrative skills and well developed IT skills with proficiency in computerized accounting systems such as Quick Books.

If you believe you can clearly demonstrate your abilities to meet the criteria given above please submit your application with a detailed CV, stating your current position, current and expected remuneration, email and telephone contacts, names and addresses of three referees.

To be considered your application must be received by 30th March 2009 addressed to:-

The Chief Executive,
Community Initiative Facilitation & Assistance
P.O Box 63457, NAIROBI 00100

Email: mara @

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