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Monday, March 30, 2009

Food and Agricultural Organisation Vacancies

Please be informed that FAO Professional Vacancy Announcements are also available at the following internet address:

Professional Vacancy Announcement No: 2159-AGS
Deadline For Application:19 May 2009
Position TitleAgro-Industry Officer (Post Harvest Systems)
Duty StationRome
Grade LevelP-3
DurationFixed term: 3 years
CCOG Code:1H01
Organizational UnitRural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division, AGSAgriculture & Consumer Protection Department, AG

Under the overall supervision of the Director, AGS, and the direct supervision of a Senior Officer, will participate in the analysis, development and implementation of normative work and field projects related to post harvest management and value addition. In particular, the incumbent will:

    • analyze strategies and programmes to support improved post harvest handling and value addition of fresh and perishable products and methodologies for the participation of farmers and small agro-enterprises in modern agricultural value chains;
    • assist FAO Members through reviews and provision of technical advice;
    • participate in developing information materials, technical papers and technical guidelines relating to improved post harvest management processes and systems including handling, packing, cold storage, and pre-processing and quality and safety assurance systems; prepare and participate in technical meetings;
    • undertake technical analyses and reviews relating to improving post harvest systems and technologies and formulate strategies and policy guidelines for use by FAO Member Countries;
    • appraise capacity building needs relating to market linkages, marketing skills and marketing aspects of value chains development; participate in developing training material and in the conduct of training courses;
    • participate in the design and implementation of programmes and projects including joint activities and task forces and, as required, provide technical backstopping to field projects;
    • contribute to the collection and dissemination of data and information related to post harvest improvement and technologies, approaches and impacts, including lessons and good practices; support exchange of information and data through the Internet and other mechanisms;
    • prepare and participate in technical meetings;
    • develop and maintain contacts with other organisational units engaged in post harvest systems improvement; develop and maintain contacts with relevant research and development institutions, NGOs and Universities for the purpose of information exchange, transfer of technologies and networking;
    • perform other related duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
    • Advanced University Degree in Agricultural Engineering or Food Technology with specialisation in an area related to post harvest systems development and improvement
    • Five years of relevant experience related to the food and agro-industrial sector
    • Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and limited knowledge of one of the other two
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
    • Extent and relevance of professional experience in improving post harvest systems for perishable products and knowledge of post harvest and food processing technologies in developing countries
    • Level and relevance of academic qualifications
    • Demonstrated ability in the provision of timely technical advice on matters related to post harvest systems and infrastructure improvement
    • Extent and relevance of experience in producing technical papers and training materials
    • Extent and relevance of experience of project formulation and technical backstopping
    • Quality of communication skills on technical issues in more than one of the required languages
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments.
Level P-3 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adjustment) from US$ 80,497 US$ 101,232 (without dependants) and from US$ 86,237 to US$ 108,836 (with dependants)
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:V.A 2159-AGS
Director, AGS
FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 5705 6850
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Post Number: 0065676

Professional Vacancy Announcement No: 2176-KCC
Deadline For Application:26 May 2009
Position TitleReviser (Russian)
Duty StationRome, Italy
Grade LevelP-4
DurationFixed term: 3 years
CCOG Code:1O06
Organizational UnitMeeting Programming and Documentation Service, KCCM Conference, Council & Protocol Affairs Division, KCCKnowledge and Communication Department, KC

Under the general supervision of the Chief, Meeting Programming and Documentation Service, will be responsible for the translation and revision of a wide range and variety of documents including important papers involving commitments on the part of the Organization and/or FAO Members, difficult documents involving considerable research and urgent documents from English and French into Russian. In particular, the incumbent will:

    • • act as team leader during special assignments such as official meetings outside FAO Headquarters;
    • • revise translations produced either internally or by contract translators and review official correspondence at high diplomatic level;
    • • revise and check the translation of texts which, because of length and urgency, must be shared among various translators so as to ensure a reasonable degree of consistency in terminology and style throughout the text;
    • • collaborate with and assist translators/revisers and contract translators in solving difficulties such as technical and drafting obscurities in original texts;
    • • in consultation with technical experts, make difficult decisions on terms in subject areas where vocabulary and semantic usage are still evolving;
    • • contribute to the linguistic research activities of the Translation Service and to the building up of terminological data bases and useful reference materials;
    • • identify translators suitable for inclusion in the Organization’s roster of acceptable contract workers;
    • • assist in training of translators as needed;
    • • ensure the adoption of new office automation technology, such as computer-assisted translation, for implementation and the timely updating of software in Russian used in the Group;
    • • perform other related duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
    • University Degree either in Linguistic Studies, Law, Economics, Agriculture or other FAO fields, with specialization in languages, or a Translators’ Diploma from a recognized University
    • Seven years of relevant experience in translation work which included four years in International Organizations and experience in drafting and translating official diplomatic correspondence
    • Excellent knowledge of Russian and working knowledge of English and French
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
    • Demonstrated aptitude for clear expression and rapid composition, extensive vocabulary and a clear sense of semantics, syntax and stylistics in Russian
    • Alertness to semantic difficulties and ability to give interpretation of obscure texts through research and consultations
    • Extent of experience in supervising and training of staff
    • Extent of experience in drafting and translating official diplomatic correspondence
    • Extent of knowledge of technical terminology relating to one or more fields or subject matters of the Organization
    • Extent of experience using modern translation tools
    • Experience in interpretation would be an asset
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments.
Level P-4 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adjustment) from US$ 96,846 US$ 118,663 (without dependants) and from US$ 104,000 to US$ 128,163 (with dependants)
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:V.A 2176-KCC
Chief, KCCM
FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 570 55803
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Post Number: Unidentified

Professional Vacancy Announcement No: 2160-AGS
Deadline For Application:19 May 2009
Position TitleAgribusiness Economist
Duty StationRome
Grade LevelP-3
DurationFixed term: 3 years
CCOG Code:1E02
Organizational UnitRural Infrastructure & Agro-Industries Division, AGSAgriculture & Consumer Protection Department, AG

Under the overall supervision of the Director, AGS, and the direct supervision of a Senior Officer, will participate in the development and implementation of programme and policy activities relating to agribusiness and food systems development. In particular, the incumbent will:

    • Analyze technical and policy issues, strategies and programmes to support the development, increased competitiveness and improved impacts of agribusiness, agrifood systems, agro-industries and agricultural value chains in developing regions;
    • Assist FAO Members through reviews and provision of technical advice;
    • Participate in developing information materials, technical papers and technical guidelines relating to agribusiness and food systems development on topics such as enabling environments, institutional strengthening, public-private partnerships finance and investment;
    • Appraise financing and investment requirements for agribusiness and agricultural value chains and the development of appropriate financing strategies;
    • Appraise capacity building needs relating to the development, increased competitiveness and improved impacts of agribusiness and agrifood systems; participate in developing training materials and in the conduct of training courses;
    • Participate in the design and implementation of programmes and projects relating to agribusiness and agrifood systems, and the agribusiness aspects of agricultural and rural development programmes and projects; as requested provide technical backstopping to field projects;
    • Contribute to the collection and dissemination of data and information related to agribusiness trends, approaches and impacts, including lessons and good practices for promoting and supporting agribusiness development; support exchange of information and data through the Internet and other mechanisms;
    • Prepare and participate in technical meetings;
    • Develop and maintain contacts with other organizations, associations and private sector firms working on agribusiness and agrifood systems; participate actively in relevant FAO inter-disciplinary groups;
    • Perform other related duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
    • Advanced University Degree in Agribusiness or Agricultural Economics; or in Business with a University Degree in an agricultural field, development finance and/or agricultural economics
    • Five years of relevant experience in the area of agribusiness or in agricultural/rural development with responsibilities and activities relating to agribusiness
    • Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and a limited knowledge of one of the other two
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
    • Relevance and diversity of agribusiness, agro-industries and agricultural value chains experience, including extent of experience in developing regions and working with the private sector
    • Demonstrated analytical capacity and in-depth knowledge of trends, constraints, policies, institutions and services relating to agribusiness in developing regions
    • Level and relevance of academic qualifications relating to agribusiness
    • Extent and relevance of experience in producing technical papers and training materials
    • Extent and relevance of experience of project formulation and technical backstopping
    • Quality of communication skills on technical issues in more than one of the required language
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments.
Level P-3 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adjustment) from US$ 86,237 US$108,836 (without dependants) and from US$ 80,497 to US$ 101,232 (with dependants)
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:V.A 2160-AGS
Director, AGS

FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 5705 6850
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Post Number:

Professional Vacancy Announcement No: 2158-AGS
Deadline For Application:20 May 2009
Position TitleMarketing Economist
Duty StationRome
Grade LevelP-3
DurationFixed term: 3 years
CCOG Code:1E02
Organizational UnitRural Infrastructure & Agro-Industries Division, AGSAgriculture & Consumer Protection Department, AG

Under the overall supervision of the Director, AGS, and the direct supervision of a Senior Officer, will participate in the development and implementation of programme and policy activities relating to marketing linkages and services. In particular, the incumbent will:

    • analyse strategies and programmes to support improved farmer to market linkages, the participation of farmers and small agro-enterprises in modern agricultural value chains, access of farmers and agro-enterprises to markets and services, and improvements of marketing activities in agricultural value chains;
    • assist FAO Members through reviews and provision of technical advice;
    • participate in developing information materials, technical papers and technical guidelines relating to market linkages and value chains on topics such as marketing contracts and contract farming, marketing information, market quality and safety assurance systems, and institutions such as commodity exchanges; prepare and participate in technical meetings;
    • appraise capacity building needs relating to market linkages, marketing skills and marketing aspects of value chains development, assist in developing training material and participate in the conduct of training courses;
    • participate in the design and implementation of programmes and projects relating to market linkages and the marketing aspects of agricultural value chain programmes and projects; as requested, provide technical backstopping to field projects;
    • contribute to the collection and dissemination of data and information related to market linkages and value chains trends, approaches and impacts, including lessons and good practices for promoting and supporting market linkages and value chains development; support exchange of information and data through the Internet and other mechanisms;
    • prepare and participate in technical meetings;
    • develop and maintain contacts with other organizations, associations and private sector firms working on market linkages and value chains; participate actively in relevant FAO inter-disciplinary groups for the purpose of information exchange, transfer of technology and networking;
    • perform other related duties as required
Candidates should meet the following:
    • Advanced University Degree in Agricultural Economics, Development Economics, or Agribusiness with specialized courses in marketing
    • Five years of relevant experience related to agricultural marketing which included experience in developing countries
    • Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and a limited knowledge of one of the other two
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
    • Five years of relevant experience related to agricultural marketing which included experience in developing countries
    • Relevance and diversity of agricultural marketing, market linkages and value chains experience, including extent of experience in developing regions
    • Demonstrated analytical capacity and in-depth knowledge of trends, constraints, policies, institutions and services relating to marketing, market linkages and value chains in developing regions Level and relevance of academic qualifications relating to agricultural marketing
    • Extent and relevance of experience in producing technical papers and training materials
    • Extent and relevance of experience of project formulation and technical backstopping
    • Quality of communication skills on technical issues in more than one of the required language
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments.
Level P-3 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adjustment) from US$ 86,237 US$ 108,836 (without dependants) and from US$ 80,497 to US$ 101,232 (with dependants)
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:V.A 2158-AGS
Director, AGS
FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 5705 6850
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Post Number: 0066567

Professional Vacancy Announcement No: 2157-AGS
Deadline For Application:
Position TitleRural Infrastructure Officer
Duty StationRome, Italy
Grade LevelP-3
DurationFixed Term: 3 years
CCOG Code:1B06
Organizational UnitRural Infrastructure & Agro-Industries Division, AGSAgriculture & Consumer Protection Department, AG

Under the overall supervision of the Director, AGS, and the direct supervision of a Senior Officer, will participate in the development and implementation of programme activities relating to rural infrastructure development. In particular, the incumbent will:

    • Analyze strategies and opportunities to correct the rural infrastructure gaps that threaten the achievement of agricultural and rural development goals, and to ensure sustainable provision of high quality infrastructure services; assist FAO Members through provision of advice and assistance on agriculture related rural infrastructure development strategies and policies;
    • Support country and cross-country technical analyses and reviews relating to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of rural infrastructure; develop technical papers and guidelines to improve rural infrastructure development and maintenance practices;
    • Assist FAO members through reviews and provision of technical advice;
    • Appraise capacity building needs related to planning and priority setting for rural infrastructure investments; undertaking construction of new infrastructure including through public-private partnerships; improving the quality and reliability of existing infrastructure, and regulating infrastructure services provision; develop materials, organize workshops, and provide support for enhancing capacity;
    • participate in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of rural infrastructure programmes and projects; advise on the selection of technical and operational processes, machinery and equipment; and provide relevant supervision and technical backstopping including evaluation of plans, proposals and tenders for infrastructure projects;
    • contribute to the collection and dissemination of data and information related to rural infrastructure development with particular attention to infrastructure impacting farm and agro-enterprise performance;
    • develop and maintain contacts with infrastructure specialists in the World Bank, the major regional financial institutions, the Africa Infrastructure Consortium, and other relevant organizations;
    • perform other related duties as required.
Candidates should meet the following:
    • Advanced University degree in Civil or Agricultural Engineering
    • Five years of relevant experience related to rural infrastructure development and maintenance
    • Working knowledge of English, French or Spanish and a limited knowledge of one of the other two
Candidates will be assessed against the following:
    • Extent and relevance of experience in providing strategic and technical advice to the public sector on matters related to rural infrastructure development and maintenance which including in developing regions;
    • Extent and relevance of experience in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of rural infrastructure, (storage facilities, markets, rural roads, abattoirs, agro-processing units, farm structures and similar), including in developing regions
    • Extent of experience in developing and implementing programmes and projects related to rural infrastructure in developing regions
    • Level and relevance of academic qualifications
    • Quality of both oral and written communication skills on technical issues in English and French/Spanish
    • Extent of networking relationships with other organizations and specialists involved in rural infrastructure development
Please note that all candidates should possess computer/word processing skills and should be capable of working with people of different national and cultural backgrounds.
* The length of appointment for internal FAO candidates will be established in accordance with applicable policies pertaining to the extension of appointments.
Level P-3 carries a net salary per year (inclusive of a variable element for post adjustment) from US$ US$ (without dependants) and from US$ to US$ (with dependants)
TO APPLY: Carefully read and follow the Guidelines to applicants
Send your application to:V.A 2157-AGS
Director, AGS
FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome ITALY
Fax No: +39 06 5705 4960
This vacancy is open to male and female candidates. Applications from qualified women candidates and applications from qualified candidates from non/under-represented member states are encouraged. Please note that FAO staff members are international civil servants subject to the authority of the Director-General and may be assigned to any activities or office of the organization.
Post Number: 0065633

GUIDELINES TO APPLICANTS as on previous VA's or available on FAO Internet Page

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