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Monday, March 30, 2009

National Consultant: Food and Input Prices, commodity flows and Markets Analyst

Terms of Reference
National Consultant: Food and Input Prices, commodity flows and Markets Analyst
April 2009 – December 2009 (9 months)

1. Introduction
Soaring food prices and shortages of staple maize have increased the need for monitoring and analysis of commodity and input prices in Kenya. The existing Kenya Food Security Meeting, and Market group as well as other coordination structures at the level of the UN require active FAO participation as the key provider of information. The food security information team is engaged with the roll-out of the IPC in Kenya and the region, together with analysis work with ALMRP and the Drought Management Initiative (DMI).

The volatile price situation in the world and more specifically in the region and Kenya require constant monitoring for informed policy decisions. FAO has the mandate to monitor commodity prices, regional trade and the impact of prices on vulnerable livelihoods as a means to inform self and partners in the food security and donor communities.

2. Terms of Reference
2.1. Purpose
The purpose of the consultancy is to establish a system for data collection, analysis and management that will provide up to date information relating to commodity and input prices and marketing in Kenya and the region;.

2.2. Duties
Under the overall supervision of the Regional Coordinator ISFP -SFE and the direct supervision of FAO Representative for Kenya, in collaboration with all relevant partners, the consultant will:
o Work in collaboration with the food security information team to develop a system to collate and analyse data and information relating to food and input prices in Kenya and the region. This will include developing systems and networks to carry out basic data analysis of identified commodities; monitoring specific markets; monitoring cross border trade and regional markets. Direct contact with data providers such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, RATIN and other partners including the private sector will be a requirement.
o Develop a method, based on existing models, for quantifying the impact on food prices on the main livelihood profiles across the country.
o Assimilate food and markets information and produce a template for a regular monthly and quarterly briefs on food and input prices in Kenya for use by FAO Kenya and REOA, and the wider food security community.
o Design/develop a database for the different food commodity indicators to aid data analysis, retrieval, storage and management.
o Provide technical input to the project as required, and
o undertake other related activities within the consultant’s expertise as requested by the Project Manager, or FAO Representative in Kenya.

2.3. Expected Outputs
¨ A fully developed monitoring, analysis, data management and reporting system for food prices, inputs and marketing in Kenya;
¨ A template for a monthly and quarterly briefs is developed on food and input prices in Kenya
¨ A data management system is developed for storage and retrieval.

2.4. Qualifications and Competences
o At least a first Degree in a relevant subject (food security, agricultural economics or rural development).
o At least 5 years of relevant experience in the development assistance field; agricultural extension
o Proven analytical capacity and data management skills; experience in biometrics, and tools such as SPSS or other relevant statistical packages
o Good computer skills: word processing, spreadsheets including charting data, and database management; GIS skills. Desk Top Publishing experience is desirable
o Excellent written and spoken English and understanding of Kiswahili.

2.5. Duty station: Nairobi, Kenya

2.6. Duration: 9 months

Application letter and Curriculum Vitae should be sent to :

FAO Representative in Kenya
P. O. Box 30470 – 00100
GPO, Nairobi


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