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Friday, October 31, 2008

Head of Field Office, Nairobi

(ref. no. HOF09)

The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is an independent academic institution established in 1984. The mission of the Institute is to promote universal respect for human rights and humanitarian law by means of research, academic education, dissemination and institutional development. The vision of the Institute is to be a centre of excellence meeting the highest international standards in all its fields of operation. In addition to research and academic education, RWI has since 1990 been implementing a wide range of human rights capacity development programmes for institutions in developing countries, mainly with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The Department of International Programmes manages and coordinates RWI's human rights capacity development programmes for institutions in developing countries. The Department consists of three units, whereof one deals with thematic work and the two other have geographic areas of responsibilities covering Asia and the Middle East and North Africa, and Africa, Europe, Central Asia and Latin America, respectively. RWI's capacity development programmes in Africa involve cooperation with and support to academic institutions, NGOs and government bodies. The programmes in Kenya and East Africa are managed by Institute's Field Office in Nairobi.

Summary: RWI is currently seeking candidates for the position as Head of the Institute's Field Office in Nairobi. The position is full time for a period of twelve months, starting 1 January 2009 at the earliest. The Head of Office's primary responsibilities are to ensure that international programmes of RWI falling under the Field Office's mandate are planned, implemented and followed up so as to achieve expected results enhancing the overall impact, quality and coordination of RWI's activities in Kenya and East Africa, and that the Field Office and its resources are managed efficiently.

As part of an internal organisational reform process at RWI, strategies for international programmes of the Institute will be further developed during 2009. This will include developing strategies for RWI's work in Kenya and East Africa, which will involve the Field Office in Nairobi.


Reporting to the Head of the Unit covering programmes in Africa, Europe, Central Asia and Latin America at Head Office in Sweden, the Head of Office's tasks would include:

• Contribute towards drafting the strategies of the Institute for its international programme work in Kenya and in East Africa, in consultation with the Head of Unit;

• Drafting proposals for new programmes in Kenya and East Africa, in accordance with relevant templates and guidelines and in consultation with the Head of Unit;

• Drafting and monitoring budgets related to programmes of the Field Office, as well as financial reporting to the Controller at Head Office;

• Drafting agreements with partner institutions and external consultants, in accordance with relevant templates and guidelines and in consultation with the Head of Unit;

• Regularly assessing and monitoring programme developments and results;

• Staying informed of relevant developments concerning the areas falling under the mandate of the Field Office;

• Participation in meetings of relevance to the Field Office's work, including with relevant Swedish and foreign authorities and organisations;

• Maintaining regular contact with relevant authorities, organisations, donors, etc;

• For completed programmes, preparing narrative reports that analyse the results of the respective programme carried out, in accordance with relevant templates and guidelines and in consultation with the Head of Unit;

• Division of labour and management of human resources at the Field Office;

• Managing the affairs and premises of the Field Office, including arranging for relevant contracts and supporting documents for the operations of the Field Office;

• Regular reporting, in writing, to the Head of Unit on activities carried out and planned within the Field Office's mandate;

• Coordination with the work of other Units of the Department as agreed with Heads of Units.

The position involves travelling to programme sites in Kenya and East Africa to facilitate the implementation of project objectives and to assess and report on project developments and results. At times, the workload can be high. The work involves close cooperation with other staff working with programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa.


• Strong knowledge of international human rights law, including university degree with preferably a specialisation in international human rights law or a related field;

• A minimum of six years of professional experience in the human rights field, including management of international development programmes;

• Experience of strategic planning processes;

• Knowledge of and professional experience from Kenya and East Africa as well as experience from working at a Field Office;

• Proven skills in office management, including staff supervision;

• Sound knowledge of means and methods of Swedish and/or other international development cooperation;

• Fluency in English and knowledge of other relevant working languages;

• Demonstrated organisational, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills;

• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English;

• Ability to take initiatives and prioritise work tasks;

• Flexibility and ability to work under pressure and complete tasks within given timeframes;

• Proven skills to work in teams and generate innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations; and

• Cultural sensitivity and judgement.

Application procedure: To apply for this position, please send a cover letter with CV, including references and copies of relevant certificates by e-mail to no later than 21 November 2008.

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