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Monday, October 27, 2008

Exceptional Leadership Opportunity in Africa

The African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF) is a not-for-profit organisation designed to facilitate and promote public-private partnerships for the access and delivery of appropriate proprietary agricultural technologies for use by resource-poor farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa. Set up five years ago, and headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, AATF has developed a strong and wide network of partnering organisations in developed and developing countries and seeks a leader who will lead it through its next exciting phase on its trajectory of success.

Executive Director

Reporting to the Board of Trustees, the Executive Director, in providing intellectual, professional and management leadership for the Foundation will possess the right blend of dynamism and wisdom, as she/he guides the organisation and its many partners through unchartered terrain as it seeks to have a crucially important impact on Africa’s future.

Main responsibilities include:

Strengthening and expanding effective relationships with advanced technology providers in the private and public sectors and other AATF network of partners
Ensuring that projects for AATF intervention are well selected and managed within the overall business plan
Leading overall resource mobilisation in support of Foundation activities
Ensuring effective and efficient corporate (AATF) governance
Developing AATF’s competent staffing resources

The ideal candidate, from Sub-Saharan Africa, will have:

A PhD in the agricultural sciences or management, in economics or in a closely related discipline; a bias towards agri-business would be a decided advantage
A record of achievement in productive public-private partnerships, based on an understanding of – and, ideally, work experience in – both private and public sector organisations
Strong experience in project design and implementation
The capacity to lead within a collaborative framework, both individuals and institutions, and within multidisciplinary and multicultural settings
Fluency in English and a working knowledge of French

An attractive salary and employment benefits will be offered, commensurate with the position of a chief executive of a major regional research or technology transfer organisation.

If you find this attractive challenge compelling and have what it takes to lead a small vision- and values-driven organisation at the heart of a large, complex and expanding network of projects and partners, we invite you to visit the AATF website ( for more information and email your resume (if possible before November 14) and no more than a two-page cover letter citing your suitability to the firm we have retained to handle this recruitment:

Donal O’Hare, President

O’Hare Management Consulting, Inc

doh @

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