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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Expression of Interest: For the Provisioning of an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)

Kenya Sugar Research Foundation
Kisumu - Miwani Road
P.O. Box 44-40100
TEL: 020-2047307/8
FAX: 020-2047308 0735-339912
Email: Kesref @ kesref. org


The Kenya Sugar Research Foundation (KESREF) is the research arm of the sugar industry whose mandate is to develop and disseminate appropriate technology for enhanced productivity, profitability and sustainability of the sub-sector.

KESREF is headquartered at Kibos in Kisumu and has Centres at Mtwapa in Kilifi District, Mumias in Mumias District and Opapo in Rongo District.

As an important component of its ICT strategy, KESREF intends to establish an Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP-) to provide it with an integrated Management Information System.

The system will be expected to lead to the accomplishment of the following:
  • Supply and deployment of suitable ERP software.
  • Implementation of the ERP system including establishing hardware requirements.
  • Customization of the ERP system.
  • Training and sensitization of users.
Tenders are invited from qualified, experienced and well established firms for the services described above.

Prequalification documents with complete instructions and terms of reference can be obtained from the Procurement office - KESREF Headquarters upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Ksh. 2, 000/= in cash or bankers cheque payable to the Director.

Completed Prequalification Documents should be marked "EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PROVISION OF AN ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEM (ERP) Tender No KESREF/TC/PQ/35./08-09 and be addressed and delivered at the address indicated below on or before Wednesday 19th November, 2008 at 10.00 a.m.

Prequalification documents can also be obtained from the Foundation's website: www.kesref.orq

The Director
Kenya Sugar Research Foundation
Kisumu - Miwani Road
P.O. Box 44-40100

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008