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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Secretary – Malaria Atlas Project

Job Description

One secretary is required within the Malaria Public Health and Epidemiology Group, based at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Programme, Nairobi.

The post will start at grade 3.1 and the appointment of the successful applicant will be from 01 December 2008. The appointee will be subject to a three month probationary period, with a contract for one year in the first instance. This may be extended for a further year, depending on the candidate’s performance.

Key responsibilities of the post

to maintain a calendar of events

maintain a contacts database

assist in travel preparations: book flights, hotels, visas

help with arrangements for visitors

organize post and couriers

maintain diary of administrative actions (probation, talks, reviews etc.)

help with bibliographic management.

Candidate attributes

1. Essential:

East African National

Secondary school high grades (KCSE completion with minimum C grade and a pass in English)

Previous experience in standard MS Office suite software

Previous experience in secretarial work

Excellent organisational and administrative skills

Good written and oral communication skills

Good numerical ability

Good computing skills

Fluency in English and Kiswahili

Available to start December 2008

2. Desirable:

Previous use of bibliographic management software

Capacity to take the initiative and work independently

Strong self-motivation and tenacity

An interest in research and public health

Supervision and management

Supervision will be provided by Dr. Simon Hay, Dr. Simon Brooker and Dr. Abdisalan Noor all Research Fellows within the KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Programme.

Formal appraisal will be conducted on a three monthly basis following probation, when progress against the tasks listed above will be mutually assessed (see job description).

MPHEG background and purpose

The Malaria Public Health and Epidemiology Group (MPHEG) in Nairobi is directed by Prof. Robert W. Snow. The MPHEG is part of the Centre for Geographic Medicine, Kenya Medical Research Institute. Fifteen scientists undertake a wide range of research on the operational performance of malaria interventions when delivered as part of national programmes in Kenya, Zambia and Somalia against a complimentary research agenda which examines the epidemiological basis of malaria infection, disease and public health consequences across Africa. Part of these activities comes under the umbrella of the Malaria Atlas Project (MAP).

MAP background and purpose

The successful candidate will be a participant in the wider collaboration of MAP, the aims and objectives of which can be found at . The main goal of this project is to develop a detailed model of the spatial limits of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax malaria at a global scale and its endemicity within this range. We believe that our new efforts to map, model and project populations at risk of malaria will provide a more contemporary and robust means to assess current and future malaria disease burdens. Recent exciting developments of MAP are to complement this information with maps of the distribution of the main Anopheles species and the population gene frequencies of the inherited blood disorders (IBD) globally. The BMC post offered here will be required to help managing the bibliographic databases in relation with these various initiatives.

Application procedure

Please send a completed copy of the form available at the bottom of thid page and two supporting references from those with recent experience of your education and/or work performance. We also require a covering letter of application stating, in no more than 300 words, why this position is of interest to you and how your skills and experience make you a suitable candidate for the project.

Applications must be clearly titled SECRETARY - MAP and should be forwarded to:

The Centre Director,
Kenya Medical Research Institute- CGMRC

The Administrator,
KEMRI/Wellcome Trust Research Programme,
P.O. Box 43640, 00100

Email applications are preferred and must be clearly titled SECRETARY - MAP and should be forwarded to jobs@nairobi.kemri-wellcome.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

The closing date is Friday 31 October 2008. Interviews will be undertaken on Wednesday 12 November 2008. If applicants have not been called for interview by Friday 07 November 2008 they must assume that they have not been successful in their application.

On the Interview day

You will be asked to demonstrate your ability to use Microsoft Office Software. You will also be required to have a face-to-face interview. Complete details of what will be required on the day will be provided on the interview invite letter.


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