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Friday, October 31, 2008

Association of Kenya Insurers Tender fof Consultancy Services

The Insurance Act, Cap 487 Laws of Kenya dates back to the early 1980's. It has been amended many times in attempts to keep up with the changing environment in the market place.

However, it is now evident that, rather than more piece meal amendments, the Insurance Act requires a complete overhaul in order to address the challenges of the 21st century and in the context of Vision 2030.

In anticipation of the proposed overhaul, the Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) intends to prepare, on behalf of its members, concrete proposals as inputs into the overhaul process. AKI also intends to engage other stakeholders including clients, the general public, Ministry of Finance and IRA. Ultimately AKI will lobby Parliament to enact the most versatile and appropriate legislation for the insurance industry.

AKI therefore intends to hire consultants to help us achieve the stated objectives and now invites qualified individuals and, or firms to:

  • Propose and define a Roadmap to the new legislation, giving a chronological list of activities, programmes, participants, outcomes and estimated time frames in the overhaul process.
  • Propose and define suitable methodology of each programmed activity, in particular the collection and collation of views from AKI members and other principal stakeholders.
  • Reduce the views, opinions and proposals in two (2) above into a proto-type Insurance Bill.
  • Prepare and submit a Budget for the entire process including the Consultancy Fees payable.
The contract shall be awarded for the best, most viable and cost effective proposal. In addition prior work experience in a similar assignment including advocacy either with AKI or any other trade Association will be an added advantage.

A sealed envelope containing the proposal and marked "TENDER FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES" should be hand delivered to our offices on 3rd Floor, Victoria Towers, Upper Hill, Nairobi, to reach us NOT later than 20th November 2008. For more information please contact;

Executive Director
Association of Kenya Insurers
3rd Floor Victoria Towers, Upper Hill
Tel. 2731330/1/2/3

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