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Monday, October 27, 2008

Jobs at IntraHealth

IntraHealth International, Inc. seeks to the following positions for Capacity Project. The goal of the USAID funded Capacity Project in Kenya is to provide a focused package of technical assistance and support to the Ministry of Health and counterpart public and private health agencies to strengthen health workforce planning, development and management to improve the delivery of health services

1. Logistics Assistant

The Logistics Assistant will be responsible for providing logistics support to the IntraHealth International Inc Kenya office. He/she will report to Finance and Administration Officer.

Essential Functions

1. Manages the usage and maintenance of the office vehicle which includes:

Ensuring the project vehicle usage and maintenance is in accordance with the IH policies and procedures.
Ensures the vehicle is used for pre-approved official purpose.
Overseeing appropriate pre-approvals for all travels
Oversees the fuelling of the vehicle and ensures the fuel cards are replenished on a regular timely basis.
Oversees the general maintenance of the vehicle including cleanliness and regular servicing.
Ensures the vehicle log/mileage reports are completed correctly, accurately and on a timely basis and are verified on a regular basis.
Oversees and monitors the safe custody of the office vehicles ensuring they are parked in the designated parking.
Keeps the safe custody of the vehicle keys.
Ensures the vehicles’ insurances are valid and secured on a timely basis.
2. Manages the air travel logistics that involves organizing air travel logistics for the office in relation to air-ticket bookings, issuance of tickets, vaccinations, Visa processing ensuring adherence to the stipulated travel policies and any applicable regulations.

3. Manages the ground travel logistics that involves organizing for appropriate efficient and cost effective ground travel ensuring adherence to the stipulated travel policies and any applicable regulations.

4. Organizes for required accommodation for staff traveling both locally and internationally.

Provides assistance as requested on identifying and booking workshop/conference facilities for program and office activities including computing travel advances and advance payments for such workshops.
Follows up, reconciles and analyses the billings for logistics on a timely and proactive manner in order to ensure prompt payment. These include air travel and ground transport ensuring they are adequately supported by underlying supporting documents.
Takes leadership in procurement process for air and ground transportation services in the annual and regular and non-routine procurement of transport services.

Education/Experience Requirements

Diploma in relevant field
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Kiswahili
Cheerful, positive demeanor and attitude
Ability to organize time and manage a variety of tasks simultaneously
Good organizational skills and attention to details
Ability to resolve routine problems independently.
Computer literacy in Word, Excel, Power Point.

2. Finance Assistant - Payments

The Finance Assistant - Payments will manage the payables function of the finance section of IntraHealth Kenya office. This entails ensuring completeness, accuracy and timeliness of all payments that includes but not limited to suppliers’ and advances payments. He/she will report to Finance and Administration Officer.

Essential Functions

Processes payments for travel advances in a timely manner confirming adequacy of supporting documents. The traveler must be issued with the cheque or cash for travel advance at least two days before the scheduled day of travel.
Processes suppliers payments ensuring all suppliers’ invoices are paid promptly before the due dates for payment and not later than 2weeks from receipt of such invoice.
Prepares payment vouchers in support of all payments confirming such payments are: in accordance with the laid down procedures and policies, accurate, complete ,adequately supported by all underlying appropriate documents, correctly coded to appropriate expenses and tracking code and project code.
Maintains and monitors cash and bank balances for the respective projects in order to establish availability of adequate funds at the time of writing cheques.
Updates the General ledger in the accounting system, QuickBooks with all incoming and outgoing funds immediately upon confirmation of materialization of such transactions. This includes transfers of funds from the Headquarters and inter-account transfers.
Reconciles/collaborates all payments with the available suppliers’ statements of accounts and records of prior payments in order to avoid over and/or underpayments.
Monitors and makes follow up of all outstanding billings so as to ensure prompt payments at all times to avoid discontinuation/termination of services or orders and or complaints by suppliers.
Keeps in safe custody cheque books that are in use for the respective projects’ bank accounts and immediately reports any missing cheques to the Finance & Administration Officer.
Ensures each month’s transactions (payments and journal vouchers) are posted to the accounting system, QuickBooks by the last day of each month so as to ensure the e-copy monthly financial reports for the respective projects are complete and finalized by the 3rd day of each month.
Compiles the monthly financial reports package for the respective projects using the set formats for submission to Finance & Administration Officer by the 3rd day of each month for review and approval before submission to Chapel Hill.
Effects all review comments raised by the Finance & Administration Officer while reviewing the monthly financial reports.
Submits the approved e-version of the monthly financial reports following agreed formats and package to IntraHealth Chapel Hill by 5th of every month.
Addresses and incorporates all review comments raised by the Finance team in Chapel Hill while reviewing the e-version of the monthly financial reports.
Packages the hard copy monthly financial reports for each project for review and approval in accordance with the laid down procedures and ensures dispatch to Chapel Hill by 20th of every month.
Keeps the hard copies of monthly financial reports in safe custody, logical manner and properly labeled files that are easily accessible and retrievable.
Keep safe custody of the Organizations Petty Cash, ensuring an effective Petty Cash system is maintained as per the IntraHealth’s policies & procedures.
Provides any other required financial backstopping roles to the IntraHealth, Kenya office and any other field offices as need arises. This involves regular liaison with the field team in following up of travel receipts/voucher, bank statements, advances etc.
Education/Experience Requirements

2 years experience in busy accounting department.
Experience in USAID rules & regulations
Experience in donor funded organization is preferred.
Minimum of CPA I
Good Interpersonal skills
High integrity
Ability to work with minimum supervision.
Good oral and written communication skills.
Ability to work under tight deadlines.
Ability to work under pressure

Applications with a detailed CV indicating daytime telephone numbers, address and the names of three referees should be addressed to:

IntraHealth International Inc

Unga House, Muthithi Road, 7th Floor

P.O. Box 66726 – 00800 Nairobi

Email: jobskenya @

Closing Date: Applications due to IntraHealth International by Nov 14, 2008

Only short listed Candidates will be contacted.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008