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Friday, October 31, 2008

Cooperative Sector Study Expression of Interest: The Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing (MOCDM)

Expression of interest
Cooperative Sector Study (2008-09) EOI MOCD8

The Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing (MOCDM) requires the services of highly qualified and experienced consultants/researchers to undertake a study on the past and current contribution of cooperatives to Kenya's GDP, the country's economic and social development, and poverty reduction efforts, as well as identify critical factors that have influenced growth in the sector.

This study is meant to provide a strong evidence based platform for quantifying and/or aggregating the contributions of cooperatives to the national economy as well as poverty reduction in Kenya.

The study involves collection, collation, and review of secondary and primary data on the performance of cooperatives in Kenya, as well as an in-depth performance analysis of a sample of cooperative societies. Based on their findings, the consultants will develop a baseline database depicting the social and economic profile of the cooperative sector as well as a comprehensive synthesis of constraints and solutions to its development.

The successful bidder will develop a baseline database to enable future benchmarking of progress and achievements in transforming the cooperatives sector into an economic powerhouse for rapid and equitable social and economic development in Kenya.

The interested institutions/consultants are invited to prepare and submit brief study proposals, C.V.s, and proof of the following:
  • Ability of the leader to manage a study/research project of such a magnitude in all nine provinces of Kenya.
  • Proof of skills, experience and educational qualifications of the project leader and study team members.
  • Capacity to marshal human resources and ability to undertake quantitative research in Kenya within a specified time frame
  • Proof of previous experience and ability to carry out this scope of work as set out above
The information will enable the Ministry to prepare a shortlist of suitable firms to whom a Request for proposal (RFP) will be distributed.

Completed Expression of interest documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the E.O.I number must be delivered to the address below on or before 21st November, 2008 at 10.00am.

The permanent Secretary
Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing
P.O BOX 30547-00100

The Ministry reserves the right to accept or reject any EOI either in whole or part without giving reasons for either rejection or acceptance.

N.S.S.F Building
Block "B"
11th Floor
Room 1116
Tel. 2731531 Ext. 6129,
Fax 2731509

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008