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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Request for Proposal: Baseline Survey Study on HIV and AIDS in the Workplace

NHC House
Aga Khan Walk
P. O. Box 30257, 00100 Nairobi
Tel: 312149/7
Fax: 311318
E-mail: info @

National Housing Corporation is a statutory body constituted under the Housing Act Cap 117 Laws of Kenya.

The Corporation would like to engage the services of a consultant/consultancy team to conduct a Baseline Survey Study on HIV and AIDS in the workplace.

Objective of the assignment
The overall objective of this exercise is to establish the prevalence and the socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS in the Corporation with a view to developing appropriate intervention measures for effective prevention, mitigation, care and support services as per the public sector workplace policy on HIV/AIDS and as stated in the Kenya National HIV/AIDS strategic plan 2005/06 - 2009/10.

Duration of assignment: Sixty (60) Days

Mandatory Requirements from Consultants:
  • All consultants must submit all the statutory requirements including Registration Certificates, Valid Tax Compliance Certificate from KRA etc .
  • Companies must have over three years experience in similar assignments.
  • A justification as to why your team should be awarded the project.
  • Reference of similar projects undertaken over the last five years including a brief description of the projects undertaken and or research work.
  • Details of principal resource personnel to be deployed in the project.
  • Detailed Company profile including demonstrated experience from consultants on HIV/AIDS consulting and prevention programs at national /international level, experience in national policy and guidelines development and also experience in Counseling and Testing programs.
Complete tender documents detailing the tender requirements are available from the procurement office 11th floor - NHC House upon payment of non- refundable fee of KSHS 2,000 per set of documents, evidenced by an official receipt.

Payments shall be made in cash or bankers cheque in Payment section on Ground floor, NHC House, anytime between 08.00am and 03.30 pm on week days.

Complete Tender documents in a plain sealed envelope and clearly marked: "TENDER NO: NHC/RFP/003/2008- BASELINE SURVEY STUDY ON HIV AND AIDS should be addressed to:

The Managing Director
National Housing Corporation
P O BOX 30257-00100

And be deposited in the Tender Box located on the 7th Floor, NHC House on or before 18th November 2008 at 11.00 am.

Any bid received after 11.00 am will be returned un-opened.

All tender documents will be opened immediately in the conference room 10th floor- NHC House, in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008