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Friday, November 20, 2009

Winners Chapel International Teaching Jobs Vacancies

Winners Chapel International is a Pentecostal Church commissioned to teach the word of faith.

As part of its mandate, it has established Kingdom Heritage Model School in Nairobi to offer early Childhood Education and hereby invites applications for employment from committed Christians for the following vacant positions: -

Ref: KHMS/HT/001

  • P1 Trained teachers with 5 years post qualification teaching experience; 2 of which must have been in administration.
  • Good knowledge of Kenya Education regulations and climate.
  • Ability to work with minimum supervision and to manage staff and provide good leadership
  • Working Computers Knowledge
  • A degree in Early Childhood Education will be an added advantage.
Ref KHMS/T/002
  • Qualified Teachers with Early Childhood Development (ECD) Certificates. 3 years post qualification experience.
  • KHA certificate or diploma in Early Childhood Development will be an added advantage.
Applicants must be committed Christians. Candidates who meet the above requirements should submit their applications with CV and copies of certificates, IDs stating age, present employer, position, day contact telephone number(s), current and expected remuneration, notice required to take up the appointment where successful, names and contacts of 3 referees so as to be received on December 4th, 2009 to the address below.

All envelopes should have a respective job reference number clearly marked.

Pre - School and Primary Intake for January 2o10

Kingdom Heritage Model School starts in January 2010 with the following classes:
  • Kindergarten One - 3-4 years
  • Kindergarten Two - 4-5 years
  • Kindergarten Three - 5-6 years
  • Class One - 6 years
Application forms can be obtained from the Church Office on December 4th, 2009. The forms duly filled should be returned to the office on Monday 14th December 2009 at 9am together with the child for orientation.

The Chair Person
Education Committee
Kingdom Heritage Model School
Winners' Chapel International,
Adams Arcade, Suna/Kangethe Road,
P. O. Box 16978-0620, Nairobi

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