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Monday, November 30, 2009

Kenyatta University Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) Job Vacancies

Kenyatta University wishes to invite qualified and dedicated applicants to fill the following vacant positions.

School of Health Sciences

Department of Medical Laboratory Science

Tutorial Fellows

Applicants must be holders of a Master's degree in Medical Laboratory Science or related field from a recognized university.

In addition applicants must:
  • Have at least three (3) years teaching experience.
  • Be prepared to pursue PhD degree in the area of specialization.
Candidates who have registered for a PhD. Degree and have publications and research experience will have an added advantage.

Department of Nursing Sciences Skills

Lab Technician - Grade C/D

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division II or KCSE Mean Grade C+ and above. They must have a minimum professional qualification of Diploma in General Nursing, Midwifery or a Diploma in Kenya Registered Community Health Nurse (KRCHN).

In addition applicants must have:
  • A current registration License from Nursing council of Kenya (NCK).
  • At least three (3) years working experience in a referral, teaching and research institution or a busy hospital.
  • Applicants with computer knowledge will have an added advantage.
Candidates will be expected to demonstrate all Nursing Skills to students in Skills Laboratory, Clinical Areas and participate in Health Research.

Department of Public Health

Technician - Grade C/D

Applicants must be holders of a Bachelors degree in Medical Laboratory Science or equivalent from any recognized University. Candidates with a Higher National Diploma in the relevant area from a recognized institution will also be considered.

In addition, the applicants must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in the relevant in a busy Teaching or Research Laboratory and be computer literate.

School of Pure and Applied Sciences

Department of Mathematics (Kitui Campus)


Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized university or have successfully defended PhD thesis.

In addition the applicants must have:
  • Presented at least three (3) seminar papers or has two (2) publications in refereed journals or a university level book by a reputable publisher.
  • Full time university teaching experience as tutorial fellow or assistant lecturer for at least three (3) years.
Tutorial Fellow

Applicants must be holders of a Master's degree in Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized university.

In addition they must:
  • Have at least three (3) years teaching experience.
  • Be prepared to pursue PhD degree in the area of specialization.
Candidates who have registered for a PhD. Degree and have publications and research experience will have an added advantage.

Department of Zoological Sciences

Technician - Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of KCE Div. III/KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) and above. They must have minimum professional qualification of Ordinary Diploma or equivalent qualification in the relevant field from a recognized institution.

In addition they must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy Teaching or Research Laboratory and be computer literate.

Animal Attendant - Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KCE Div. IV/KCSE Mean Grade D and above. They must have a certificate in animal science or related area from a recognized institution.

In addition they must have a working experience of at least three (3) years in a busy Teaching or Research Laboratory.

Department of Plant and Microbial Sciences

Technician - Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of KCE Div. III/KCSE Mean Grade C (plain) and above. They must have minimum professional qualification of Ordinary Diploma or equivalent qualification in Microbiology or equivalent field from a recognized institution.

In addition they must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy Teaching or Research Laboratory and be computer literate.

School of Law

Department of Public Law


Applicants must be holders of a PhD degree in the relevant area from a recognized university or have successfully defended PhD thesis.

In addition the applicants must have:
  • Presented at least three (3) seminar papers or has two (2) publications in refereed journals.
  • Full time University teaching experience as tutorial fellow or assistant lecturer for at least three (3) years.
School of Engineering and Technology

Department of Information and Communication Technology

Administrative Assistant and Website Designer - Grade C/D

Applicants should be holders of at least a Bachelor's degree in Business, Information Technology or Higher National Diploma in Web Design from a recognized institution.

In addition they should have
  • At least five (5) years administrative experience.
  • Experience in web designing.
  • Ability to initiate, decide priorities and work without supervision.
  • Skills in Microsoft office, note and minute taking, HTML coding, Macromedia Dreamweaver, CAD (Adobe, Corel, Ulead etc.), good interpersonal relations.
  • Computer programming (XML, PHP, ASP, JavaScript etc)
Assistant Website Designer - Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of at least KCE Division III or KCSE mean Grade C and above.

In addition they should have:
  • Web design qualification at the level of at least a Diploma.
  • At least three (3) years relevant experience as a Web Designer.
  • Ability to initiate, decide priorities and work with minimum supervision.
  • Skills in Microsoft office, note and minute taking, HTML coding, Macromedia Dreamweaver, CAD (Adobe, Corel, Ulead etc.), good interpersonal relations.
  • Computer programming (XML, PHP, ASP, JavaScript etc)
School of Education

Department of Educational Foundations


Applicants must be holders a Ph.D degree in Sociology of Education or related areas or have successfully defended PhD Thesis from a recognized university.

In addition the applicants must have:
  • Presented at least three (3) seminar papers or have two (2) publications in refereed journals,
  • Full time University teaching experience as tutorial fellow or assistant lecturer for at least three (3) years.
Tutorial Fellow

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Sociology of Education or related areas from a recognized university.

In addition the applicants must
  • Have at least three (3) years teaching experience.
  • Be prepared to pursue a PhD degree in the area of specialization.
Administration Division - Mombasa Campus

Senior Assistant Registrar

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Social Sciences, Business, Public Administration or equivalent from a recognized university.

Those with professional qualifications such as CPS, CPA or equivalent will have an added advantage.

In addition the applicants must have:
  • At least five (5) years relevant post qualification experience in administration at an institution of higher learning.
  • Excellent computer skills
Assistant Registrar

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Social Sciences, Business, Public Administration or equivalent qualification from a recognized university. Those with professional qualifications such as CPS, CPA or equivalent will have an added advantage.

In addition the applicants must have:
  • At least three (3) years relevant experience in administration at an institution of higher teaming.
  • Excellent computer skills.
Those with a Bachelors degree in the relevant field and have at least eight (8) years administrative experience may also be considered.

Moi Library

Department of Library

The following vacancies are available at Ruini, Parklands, Mombasa and Kttui Campuses.

Please indicate the preferred campus.

Senior Assistant Librarian

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Library and Information Science or equivalent from a recognized University.

In addition, the applicants must have:-
  • Post qualification experience of at least five (5) years in a large academic library, two (2) of which at management level.
  • Proven knowledge and experience in Library automation.
Assistant Librarian

Applicants must be holders of a Masters degree in Library and Information Science or equivalent from a recognized University.

In addition, the applicants must have:-
  • Post qualification experience of at least three (3) years in a large academic library
  • Proven knowledge and experience in Library automation.
The following vacancies are available at Anisha and Nyeri Campuses. Please indicate the preferred campus.

Library Assistant - Grade C/D

Applicants must be holders of a Bachelor's degree in Library and Information Science or equivalent professional qualification from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must:-
  • Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy Library
  • Show evidence of computer literacy.
Applicants with an Ordinary Diploma in Library and Information Science and five (5) years work experience may also be considered.

Computer Technician Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division III or KCSE mean Grade D+ and above. They must also have professional qualification of Diploma in Electrical and Electronics or Computer Engineering or equivalent from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must:-
  • Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience
  • Be computer literate.
The following vacancies are available at Main, Ruiru, Parklands, Mombasa, Kitui, Anisha and Nyeri Campuses. Please indicate the preferred campus.

Library Assistant - Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division III or KCSE mean Grade C and above. They must be holders of a Diploma in Library and Information Science or equivalent professional qualification from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must:-
  • Have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy Library.
  • Show evidence of computer literacy.
Secretary - Grade A/B

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division III or KCSE mean Grade C and above. They must also have a credit or Grade C and above in English.

In addition the applicants must have:-
  • Typing speed of 50 wpm
  • Shorthand speed of 80 wpm
  • Office Practice II
  • Office Management
  • Business English II
  • Evidence of Computer literacy
  • At least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy organization
Catering and Accommodation Services Board

Kenyatta University Conference Centre (KUCC)

Counter Attendant - Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division IV or KCSE mean Grade DE (plain) and above. They must have a Certificate in Catering or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a busy hotel environment as a Kitchen Steward.

Waiter - Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division IV or KCSE mean Grade D (plain) and above. They must have a Certificate in Food and Beverage Service and Sales or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a four (4) Star Hotel and be computer literate.

Cashier - Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division IV or KCSE mean Grade D (plain) and above. They must have a KATC Accounts Certificate or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in the Hotel Industry as a Cashier and be computer literate.

Cook - Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division IV or KCSE mean Grade D (plain) and above. They must have a Certificate in Food Production or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution.

In addition the applicant must have at least three (3) years relevant working experience in a three (3) Star Hotel and be computer literate.

Directorate of Security Services

Senior Security Officer

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division II or KCSE mean Grade C+ and above. They must have a Discharge Certificate from the armed forces at the grade of Captain or Chief Inspector of Police or equivalent and above.

In addition, the applicant must have:
  • At least ten (10) years relevant working experience in a busy and reputable security environment.
  • Proven knowledge in fire and disaster management
  • Knowledge in intelligence and investigations operations
  • Training and experience in management at the level of OCS and equivalent
  • Valid Certificate of Good Conduct be computer literate
Those with a Bachelors degree will have an added advantage.

Security Officer

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division II or KCSE mean Grade C+ and above. They must have a Discharge Certificate from the armed forces at the grade of Lieutenant or Inspector of Police or equivalent and above.

In addition, the applicant must have:
  • At least five (5) years working experience as an investigator in a busy and reputable security environment.
  • Knowledge in intelligence and investigations operations
  • Military or Paramilitary training of not less than three (3) months
  • Valid Certificate of Good Conduct be computer literate
Those with a Bachelors degree will have an added advantage

Assistant Security Officer

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division III or KCSE mean Grade C (plain) and above. They must have a Discharge Certificate from the armed forces at the grade of Sergeant or equivalent and above.

In addition, the applicant must have:
  • At least five (5) years working experience as an investigator in a busy and reputable security environment.
  • Military or Paramilitary training of not less than three (3) months
  • Valid Certificate of Good Conduct be computer literate
Security Guard

Applicants must be holders of KCE Division IV or KCSE D and above. They must have a basic paramilitary or Security guard training of not less than two(2) months.

In addition, the applicant must:
  • Have a valid Certificate of Good Conduct.
  • Be computer literate
Those with ICT skills, driving license, fire fighting, and disaster management experience will have an added advantage.

Estates Department

Electrician Grade III/IV

Applicants must be holders of KSCE Division IV or KCSE D (Plain) and above.

In addition, the applicant must:
  • Be in possession of Government Trade Test (GTT) Grade II or Craft Certificate Grade II
  • Have minimum of five (5) years practical work experience in large organizations.
Terms of Service:

Terms of service for teaching posts of lecturers and above include membership to a pension scheme, a generous medical scheme, housing allowance and commuting allowance.

Other posts will be on performance based two (2) year renewable contract plus gratuity at the end of the contract, a generous medical scheme, housing allowance and commuting allowance.

Applications giving full details of educational and professional qualifications, work experience, present post and salary, applicant's telephone number and E-mail address and enclosing copies of certificates transcripts and testimonials and giving the names and addresses of three referees who are knowledgeable about the applicant's competence and area of specialization.

Applicants should request their referees to write immediately and directly to the undersigned.
The applications and letters from the referees should reach the undersigned not later than Wednesday 9th December, 2009.

Deputy Vice-chancellor (Administration)
Kenyatta University
P.O. Box 43844-00100


Kenyatta University is an equal opportunity employer

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