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Friday, November 27, 2009

Christian Aid Request for Applications to Provide Microenterprise Development Technical Assistance for Community Groups


Christian Aid is a registered UK charity that is working with two implementing partners implementing partners to provide quality and sustainable care and support to over 7,000 orphans and vulnerable children with financial support from USAID through the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

This phase of the program is coming to an end in June 2010, and there is a desire to ensure that the economic strengthening work being pursued with OVC caregivers is as viable and sustainable as possible.

Assignment Purpose:

To technically support Christian Aid and two implementing partners in Kenya’s Eastern and Copperbelt provinces to identify viable microenterprise development opportunities for community groups in 14 communities, assess their economic, social and technical feasibility, and, if determined feasible, make objective and practical recommendations on how the groups can be supported to successfully pursue them.

Interested individuals and firms with relevant academic qualifications (e.g., MBA) and a proven track record of successfully providing microenterprise development technical assistance to rural community groups should request for a full Terms of Reference for the assignment by writing to the email address below no later than December 1, 2009.

The ToRs should then be used to develop and then submit a full technical and financial proposal to effectively and efficiently carry out the assignment before December 7, 2009.

medconsultkenya @

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