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Friday, November 27, 2009

Mercy Corps Sudan Employment Opportunities


Mercy Corps Sudan is implementing a 31 month European Commission (EC) funded Food Security Program, East Aweil Food Security and Program (EAFSP) with a nutrition component. As one of the 8 Food Security Programs in Sudan funded by EC, EAFSP aims at improving general food security of households in Aweil East County, through support to agricultural development and micro enterprise promotion projects. These projects aim to complement initiatives and strategic plan already launched in Aweil East County by Sudan Productive Capacity Recovery Program (SPCRP), Ministry of Agriculture and other NGO Food Security projects.

To effectively implement this program, we are currently recruiting for qualified internal and external Sudanese candidates to fill the following positions in East Aweil.



As a key senior staff of East Aweil Food Security and Program (EAFSP), the Project Manager will have the overall responsibility of overseeing the implementation of SME, Micro Finance, Agriculture and Livestock activities by providing training and advise to our farmers on how to conduct businesses in a more profitable fashion and at the same time build their capacity to develop a sustainable marketing strategy such that they can embark into an agri-business to increase their income and livelihood security. S/he will also be responsible in identifying feasible non-farm micro-enterprise and industries that responds to needs of the communities. S/he will also coordinate with management and support staff (including finance, administration) in East Aweil to ensure the day to day activities are implemented according to schedule, budget and required quality. The Project Manager will assist the Program Manager in outlining a strategic plan for the implementation of this program including identifying target areas/projects, methods of operation for effective programming and maximum results. This position will involve extensive travel to the program sites in East Aweil Area.


Management and Coordination:

  • Play key role in managing program staff and coordinating multiple projects identified within programs
  • Supervise Project Officers, technical projects staff; building their capacity to deliver quality services to beneficiaries
  • Ensure projects are designed within MC Sudan project briefing guide and delivered on time, while checking that attention is paid to beneficiary priorities and sustainable livelihoods
  • Coordinate weekly livelihoods program staff meetings
  • Coordinate all weekly administrative, logistical and support activities with Deputy Operations Manager
  • Ensure timely reporting to Program Manager, as well as timely feedback to livelihoods program staff
  • Coordinate overall AEFS program plans and work breakdown structures, including staff leaves
  • Ensure staff problems, or conflicts are addressed as early and fast as possible
  • Provide management with innovative ideas, sharing with team and encouraging integrated programming that increases the level of impacts of MC Sudan ERD programs.

Capacity Building

  • Undertake continuous mentoring and leadership to Project field officers to improve service delivery and reporting standards.
  • Identify technical skills gaps within program staff, with a view to facilitating design of trainings that will help fill these gaps.
  • Facilitate a coordinated capacity building exercise with key government staff, for sustainable service delivery


  • Represent MC in relevant and various government and inter-agency meetings within program areas
  • Represent MC in Food Security and Livelihoods coordination meetings in Aweil East
  • Regularly represent Mercy Corps in meetings with Aweil East County government and Chamber of Commerce
  • Occasionally act as Program Manager in the holder’s absence

Reporting and Budget Management

  • Ensure weekly and monthly program reports are comprehensive, accurate and within schedule.
  • Monitor program budgets on a monthly basis and ensure expenditures are properly planned within elaborate project briefing;
  • Coordinate with Finance Officer to ensure Budget balances are properly and accurately prepared and presented.


This position requires a bachelor degree in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Business Management/Administration or equivalent. At least 2 years junior or mid-level coordination and/or management experience in an NGO is essential. Experience managing a large number of staff in a multi-sectored program is an asset. Fluency in written and spoken English is desirable. Ability to communicate in Arabic and/or Dinka language is a plus. The candidate MUST have excellent communication skills and ability to write clear, high quality reports. Proficiency in computer applications is a MUST. A general understanding of at least one or more of livelihoods components; agriculture, enterprise development, livestock sub-sector and fishing. Strong ability to coordinate with community leaders, County Administration, Government agencies, and other organizations working in East Aweil Area. Willingness to travel to project areas. With high computer literacy and basic administrative and organization skills; able to work independently and show initiative; and with sincere commitment to helping communities improve their livelihood.



This position is central to ensuring sustainable enterprises are established, jobs are created and household income levels are improved, through promotion and supporting of local trade and administration of shoot capital to promising entrepreneurs. This position will also facilitate the implementation of a Village Savings and Lending program, besides training of existing and potential entrepreneurs.


  1. To assist the SME and Micro Finance Project Coordinator with implementation of the SME program in Aweil East.
  2. Engage in direct provision of local expertise to beneficiaries with regards to enterprise promotion and development, business start-ups and growth as well appropriate small business financing;
  3. Carry out local market assessments, the results of which should guide continued and improved projects identification;
  4. Conduct training sessions on business development to existing and potential entrepreneurs;
  5. Work with Aweil East chamber of commerce, and build capacity to offer appropriate and competitive business development services and establish Aweil East area market information system;
  6. Establish a functioning business incubator and market information system, in collaboration with local market councils, relevant ministries, traders and producers.
  7. Recruit beneficiaries of Village Savings and Lending (VSL) Program
  8. Identifying of beneficiaries for small sub-grants and seed capital, and ensure that only eligible beneficiaries are advantaged to the program
  9. Identify mutually agreed progress and impact indicators for assisted beneficiaries of the SME program;
  10. Work with Aweil East chamber of commerce, and local market administration to regularly and timely update Aweil East market information system.
  11. Ensure equitable gender participation in the SME and Micro Finance program
  12. Facilitate conflict resolution exercises for VSL program;
  13. Undertake weekly, monthly and quarterly planning of project activities
  14. Present weekly reports to SME Project Coordinator
  15. Other duties as assigned by supervisor


This position requires Certificate or Diploma in Business Management/ Administration, Commerce, Finance or equivalent. 2 years of relevant experience. Previous experience in running personal business ventures, or working with a Micro Finance Institution is an asset. This job requires innovativeness, strong business acumen and excellent communication skills. The candidate should have an understanding of Sudanese local economic development policies. Fluency in written and spoken English and ability to communicate in Arabic and/or Dinka language is essential.



The Agriculture Development Officer (ADO) will be responsible for field implementation of Agriculture development projects, including but not limited to diversified farming, agro-forestry, agribusiness, cultivation of alternative crops, and cluster or group production. S/He will responsible for providing technical and extension support to farmers, providing training and advice on appropriate technologies and farm practices that will lead to improved production and income and livelihood for farming communities in East Aweil Area. S/he will spend 90% of work in the farming communities of East Aweil Area.



  1. Carry out ongoing assessments of target geographic areas to assess current situation, opportunities and resources, needs and potential projects.
  2. Introduce the program to relevant stakeholders including local authorities, community leaders, and target beneficiaries. Foster ongoing positive cooperation with these stakeholders.
  3. Identify and organize farmers into clusters or groups for efficient access to technical support.
  4. Provide technical trainings to farmers on market oriented farm planning, diversified farming, improved production, alternative crops, and post harvest technologies.
  5. Establish farmer field schools (FFS) and conduct on farm demonstrations and trainings to farmers. Provide the necessary technical knowledge to farmers to ensure adoption and long term profitability.
  6. Introduce to farmers the idea of profitable businesses versus subsistence agriculture and encourage farmers to engage in viable agricultural businesses.
  7. Work closely with Business Development Officers in planning for market oriented farm production, and identifying crops that have high market value.


  1. Maintain close coordination and co-operation with other staff to ensure standardization of work in East Aweil Area.
  2. Coordinate with the Ag Extension Workers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Forestry in all aspects of project implementation to ensure complementation of resources and efforts.
  3. Liaise with and support key program staff to ensure that the Mercy Crops agriculture program activities are running effectively and making best use of project resources.
  4. Make and develop contacts with relevant stakeholders in the Agriculture sector.
  5. Coordinate with community leaders, committees in developing project plans, monitoring and maintaining community projects.

Reporting and M&E

  1. Produce written weekly progress reports including data/information relevant to project activities in reporting formats provided by the M&E team.
  2. Maintain detailed project records and documentation of all project activities in the field.
  3. Assist MC staff with any request for information or data regarding program expansion or development.


  1. Provide written and verbal translation of documents, project papers, at meetings, etc. as requested.
  2. Follow all MC protocols and regulation according to the guidance provided by Mercy Corps.


Diploma and/or training certificate in Agriculture, Business Management, Community Development or related field. At least 2 years experience working with Livelihood development programs involving agriculture, agribusiness, horticulture, agro-forestry, and livestock production. With knowledge and skills in conducting community assessments, data collection and analytical related activities. Experience in facilitating Agriculture related trainings, technical skill transfer, managing farmer field schools and organizational development of farmer groups. Can work independently, think creatively, and must have initiative. Willingness to work 90% in the field with farming communities.

Interested candidates who meet the above required qualification and experiences should submit by December 8th, 2009 their application letters, detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV), copies of academic & professional certificates and national identification card to: or to HR/Admin Manager, Mercy Corps Sudan or hand deliver to any Mercy Corps Offices in Juba, Yei, Wunrok, Agok, Leer, Renk, Malakal, Malualkon & Mankein

“Women are encouraged to apply”

(Only short-listed candidates will be contacted)

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