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Monday, November 30, 2009

Seafarers International Research Centre (SIRC) - Nippon Foundation PhD Fellowships

The Seafarers International Research Centre at Cardiff University, with support from The Nippon Foundation, would like to invite applications for a number of four-year scholarships offering exciting opportunities to study for PhD qualifications in maritime-related social science.

Based in the UK, these unique fellowships are available to graduates of maritime or social science-related disciplines who have a strong desire to undertake academic research on seafarers and the human related aspects of the maritime sector.

Cardiff University School of Social Sciences is one of the leading centres of social science research in the UK and the Seafarers International Research Centre is internationally recognised for its work on seafarers and seafarer-related issues.

Successful candidates will study on a 1-year (ESRC recognised) Social Science Research Methods programme before proceeding to their dissertation.

They will have their course fees paid and will receive a generous living/travel allowance.

Applications are welcomed from residents of any country but are particularly encouraged from those living in developing regions, as well as in Asia and Japan.

Applicants are expected to hold the equivalent of a good honours degree (usually a 1st or 2.1) in a social science or maritime-related discipline.

In addition, all applicants for whom English is a second language will be required to possess a certificate from IELTS with a minimum score of 7 or a TOEFL® certificate with a minimum score of 600.

For application details visit -> Postgraduate Fellowships

Or contact: Seafarers International Research Centre Cardiff University 52 Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK Email: sirc @

Closing date for applications: 8 January 2010

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