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Monday, November 30, 2009

Uganda Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services: Drafting a Bill for the Energy Conservation Act and Associated Regulations

The Republic of Uganda
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development

Project: Power Sector Development Operation

Project Credit No.: IDA 42970-UG

Ref: MEMD/PSDO/SRVCS/2009 - 2010/000510

Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services: Drafting a Bill for the Energy Conservation Act and Associated Regulations.

1 . Introduction:

The Government of the Republic of Uganda has received a Credit from IDA towards the cost of the Power Sector Development Operation (PSDO) and intends to use part of the proceeds of the Credit, towards payment for Consultancy Services for drafting a bill for the Energy Conservation Act and Associated Regulations.

2. Objectives of the Assignment: The objective of the assignment is to draft a Bill for the Energy Conservation Act and Associated Regulations, for consideration by the Government of Uganda.

3. Scope of Services: The main tasks of the assignment will include but are not limited to:
  • Review the Final Report of the Principles to be embodied in the Energy Conservation Act already.
  • Review the Uganda Energy Efficiency Strategy.
  • Carry out initial consultations with various key stakeholders.
  • Organise a consultative workshop for key stakeholders to discuss the Preliminary Report.
  • Draft a Bill for the Energy Conservation Act and the Regulations for the Energy Conservation Act.
4. Main Deliverables:
  • A draft Bill for the Energy Conservation Act.
  • Regulations for the Energy Conservation Act.
5. Required Qualification and Experience: MEMD intends to engage a CONSULTANCY FIRM for the assignment and it should have the following experience, personnel expertise and competences:

The Consultant's team should include specialists with:

i). Team Leader/Legal Expert: The Team Leader/ Legal Expert will have a Masters Degree in Law. Post graduate training in energy law and policy will be an added advantage. Must be conversant with the laws of Uganda and have a minimum of 8 years practical experience in the energy sector.

ii). Energy Efficiency Expert: The Energy Efficiency Expert (EEE) must hold a Masters Degree in Energy Management/ Energy Studies, and post graduate training in related fields will be an added advantage. The EEE should have a minimum of 5 years experience in energy efficiency.

iii). Legal Draftsman: Should be holder of Bachelors Degree in' Law with post graduate training in Legislative Drafting. Must have a minimum of 5 years experience in drafting legislation.

6. Duration of the Assignment: The duration of the assignment shall not exceed 09 (nine) months

7. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development now invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services.

Interested firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by providing their experience in handling similar assignments, under similar conditions and availability of appropriate skills among key staff, etc.)

8. The firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition)

9. Interested firms may obtain further information at the address below during office hours (0900 to 1700 hours).

10. Expressions of interest must be delivered to the address below by 10:00 ajn. on 10th December 2009.

11. Address for Submission:

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development,
Attn: Project Coordinator,
Power Sector Development Operations Project,
P. O. Box 7270, Kampala, Uganda, Rooms C 305B & B 307,
3rd Floor, Amber House, Plot 29/33, Kampala Road,
Tel: 256-41-341494 Fax: 256-41- 349342.
E-mail: psdo @ and baguma @

Permanent Secretary

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