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Monday, November 30, 2009

Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU) Career Opportunities

The National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has recently established the Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit (MITU).

The Unit is a centre of excellence in HIV prevention and sexual health research, and is aimed at strengthening the capacity of Tanzania and the East African region to participate in clinical trials of promising HIV interventions.

Three Exciting Positions

Three exciting opportunities have become available for ambitious and highly motivated professionals in the newly established Unit.

The Unit aims to establish a high quality management team and strongly encourages capable applicants from within the African region.
  1. Associate Director
  2. Administration Manager
  3. Senior Accountant
1. Associate Director

We are seeking a senior and experienced scientist to become an Associate Director of the new Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit.

The Associate Director will assist the Scientific Director in ensuring that the new Unit develops as a centre of excellence, which is able to play a leading role in the field of HIV intervention trials, and that trials are conducted in the Unit to the highest international standards.

The Associate Director will be expected to provide scientific and managerial leadership to support the studies being carried out by the Unit, to contribute to developing proposals for new research studies and to apply for and secure funding for these studies.

Specific responsibilities
  • To work with the Scientific Director and other scientists in NIMR, LSHTM and other institutions, to identify research opportunities, develop research proposals and secure funding.
  • To ensure that research projects within the Unit are conducted to the highest international standards.
  • As a member of the Senior Management Team, contribute to leading the Unit's management team, staff and scientific collaborators to ensure the successful implementation of the research programme.
  • To contribute to the Unit's training programme and to developing scientific research capacity in intervention trials within Tanzania and in other East African countries.
  • To ensure good budgetary control and value for money from the resources committed to the Unit.
  • To contribute to the publication of the Unit's biennial report and other publications used to promote the Unit.
  • To represent the Unit within NIMR Mwanza Centre, NIMR as a whole, the wider Tanzanian research community, and in relevant scientific fora in sub-Saharan Africa and internationally.
  • To maintain appropriate working relationships between the Unit and key academic and research institutions and policy makers in Tanzania, other African countries, and elsewhere.
  • To participate in the dissemination of the findings of the research implemented by the Unit, including through peer-reviewed journals, conference presentations, communications with policy makers, programme managers and other research users.
  • Any other tasks as requested by the Scientific Director.
Essential criteria for selection
  • A postgraduate qualification in statistics or epidemiology or other relevant public health field
  • Ability to manage and lead a successful research team
  • A record of high quality research publications
  • Well-developed interpersonal skills
  • Track record in research on HIV or related infections
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Commitment to working as part of a multidisciplinary research team
  • Ability to work under pressure to strict deadlines and without close supervision
Desirable criteria for selection
  • Experience of the design and conduct of randomised controlled clinical trials
  • Knowledge of Good Clinical Practice
  • Managerial and organisational skills
  • Experience of teaching/training
2. Administration Manager

We are seeking an experienced and capable Administration Manager with experience of working independently in a demanding role; the successful candidate will require the skills and competencies to manage and prioritise a range of administrative responsibilities, working under pressure and to strict deadlines.

The Administration Manager will assist the.Senior Administrator to ensure that the administrative systems within the Unit are effective in supporting intervention trials of the highest international standards.

The Administration Manager will be expected to assist in setting up the administrative systems of the Unit and to assist with the ongoing implementation, evaluation and review of these systems.

Specific responsibilities
  • To assist in setting up the administrative systems for the Unit and to assist with the implementation, review and monitoring of these systems.
  • To ensure that staff working within MITU are supported by an efficient and effective administrative system.
  • To work with MITU staff and staff from collaborating institutions to ensure that administrative requirements for effective collaboration are met.
  • To participate in the development of new projects to ensure that administrative support is budgeted accurately and that administrative staffing is sufficient.
  • To supervise and appraise staff working within the MITU administration team.
  • To contribute to the development of the annual workplan for the administration team and participate in its monitoring and review.
  • To provide day-to-day administrative support within MITU to include stores and procurement, vehicle management, international travel, personnel and human resources issues, arranging meetings and conference calls and preparing minutes.
  • To assist staff working within specific research projects with the administrative and financial aspects of their projects, to include assisting with the management of research grants and providing logistical support to field teams.
  • To participate in the induction and training of new and existing staff as appropriate into the administrative systems within MITU.
  • To contribute to the overall management of the Unit by providing secretarial support to the MITU Senior Management Team and the MITU Management Committee.
  • To actively participate in the strategic planning of the Unit.
  • To provide overall management of the MITU building and its other facilities, this includes; security, maintenance, repairs and cleaning.
  • To provide other relevant administrative support as identified by the Senior Research Administrator and the Scientific Director in Mwanza.
Essential Criteria for selection
  • Relevant degree in Administration.
  • A minimum of five years administrative experience, including at least two years in a position of responsibility with little day-to-day direct supervision
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office packages including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.
  • Strong organisational skills with proven ability to work effectively within a team, assess priorities and manage workload with minimum supervision
  • Experience of arranging meetings and travel, and drafting minutes and contracts
Desirable criteria for selection:
  • Experience of coordinating research funding proposals and administrative experience related to medical or scientific research would be an added advantage.
  • Experience of managing and supervising support staff
  • Accounting knowledge and experience
3. Senior Accountant

We are seeking an experienced and capable accountant, with a track record in managing complex multi-project finances to lead on the financial management of the new Unit.

The successful candidate will be experienced in managing staff as well as reporting to Senior Management and external funding bodies.

The successful candidate will be responsible for the efficient and effective running of the finance systems within MITU, report on financial matters of the Unit to the Scientific Director and to MITU's governing committees.

The Senior Accountant will be required to ensure that the finance systems are compliant with local, national and funding requirements.

Specific responsibilities
  • To develop and maintain robust financial systems for the management and reporting of MITU finances.
  • To work with relevant staff on the development and monitoring of central and project budgets.
  • To manage the financial administration of grants on a day-to-day basis.
  • To ensure that all financial reporting to external funders is timely and accurate and complies with specific funding requirements.
  • To report to the Scientific Director and Senior Administrator and relevant committees in a timely manner, providing accurate financial reports highlighting any material variances with detailed explanations of such differences.
  • To ensure that MITU complies with all relevant statutory requirements related to financial management.
  • To lead on the liaison with external auditors for the annual year-end audit and any other audits; internal or external, and to be responsible for ensuring that books and records required for such audits are available for inspection and are up-to-date and accurate.
Essential Criteria
  • Membership of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors and must hold a CPA qualification or equivalent.
  • At least three years experience of working in a senior position with overall responsibility for financial management and for managing a finance team.
  • A thorough working knowledge of an accounting package, MS excel and Word.
  • Excellent knowledge of English and Kiswahili, both spoken and written.
Application Process for all Vacancies:

Email to: recruitment @ applications should include:
  • Letter of application with details of how you meet EACH of the above criteria and suitability for the post.
  • A daytime mobile telephone number and e-mail contact details. Curriculum vitae (CV) including names and addresses of three referees (two must be from your most recent employers).
  • Copies of all relevant certificates, memberships and qualifications.
  • A list of 3 most important publications or reports (Associate Director post only)
Applications received later than Friday 18th December 2009 will not be considered

You will be informed by email if you are selected for interview

A competitive remuneration package will be offered.

If you would like to receive further details about the research activity at MITU then please send an email to recruitment @

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