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Monday, November 30, 2009

Short-Term Legal Consultant and Short-Term Policy Consultant Jobs: Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS)
Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Southern Sudan Private Sector Development Project (SSPSDP)

Employment Opportunities for:
  1. Short-Term Legal Consultant
  2. Short-Term Policy Consultant
Request No: PSD/06/2009
Grant No: TF090186
Project ID No: P102319
Issue Date: 27 November, 2009

1. Background:

The Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) has received a Grant co-financed by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and the GOSS to support implementation of the Southern Sudan Private Sector Development Project (SSPSDP) which became effective in May 2007.

The International Development Association (IDA) is acting as administrator of these funds. The objective of the Project is to develop an enabling environment for private sector growth, and to sustainably increase formal employment in Southern Sudan.

The project focuses on policy issues, financing, capacity building, and factor markets. It has four key components that are designed to, support establishment of a policy and legal framework for private investment and trade, increase access to microfinance through creation of viable microfinance institutions, help identify and support key high value-added industries in Southern Sudan and support the establishment of a Food Wholesale Warket in Juba.

The Private Sector Development Project is seeking to engage the services of individual consultants for the following short term positions:

1.1 Legal Consultant - Reference No: PSD/06/09
1.2 Policy Consultant - Reference No: PSD/07/09

2. Principal Objectives

The assignment for the two positions is to provide assistance/support to the project Senior Policy Advisor (Trade and Regulatory Framework) in:

a. Drafting specified laws and regulations that impact positively on private sector development in Southern Sudan (in the case of the Legal Consultant); and

b. Assessment and improvement of the Government of Southern Sudan Trade and Investment Policy Framework (in the case of the Policy Consultant

3. Description of Services and required qualifications

3.1 Legal Consultant

3.1.1 Tasks of the Legal Consultant

The Legal Consultant shall do everything necessary to assist the project Senior Policy Advisor to achieve the objective stated above; and in doing so shall carry out all necessary tasks, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
  • review and redraft an existing draft Competition Bill; advise on appropriate institutional framework and prepare an implementation plan ;
  • initiate an Insurance Bill, draft regulations, advise on appropriate institutional framework, and prepare an implementation plan;
  • in collaboration with a Microfinance Policy Advisor at the Bank of Southern Sudan (BOSS), draft a Microfinance Bill, advise on the appropriate institutional framework, and prepare an implementation plan;
  • identify, review and make recommendations on priority laws for financial products to be developed in the context of Southern Sudan; and
  • Initiate a Counterfeit Bill and advice on the appropriate institutional framework, and prepare an implementation plan.
3.1.2 Qualification & Experience

Applicants for the position of Legal Consultant should possess the following minimum qualifications and experience:
  • An advanced university degree in Corporate, Commercial and Trade Law or related Laws;
  • At least ten years of relevant experience in drafting of Corporate/Commercial Laws;
  • A strong background in Trade and Finance;
  • Good Computer skills;
  • Should be fluent in English
3.2 Policy Consultant

3.2.1. Tasks of the Policy Consultant

The Policy Consultant shall do everything necessary to support the project Senior Policy Advisor to achieve the objective stated above; and in doing so shall carry out all necessary tasks, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
  • Develop an appropriate overall structure for the Government's Trade and Investment Policy Paper;
  • Prepare summaries of the political, economic and social situation against the trade and investment policy in set;
  • Outline the challenges that the business community faces in Southern Sudan;
  • Propose the guiding principles for the trade and investment policy;
  • Review the strategic focus in terms of the vision, mission, objectives and strategies; and
  • Write up the proposed trade and investment policy.
3.2.2. Qualifications & Experience

Applicants for the position of Policy Consultant should possess the following minimum qualifications and experience:
  • An advanced degree in Business Administration/Commerce or Economics or related discipline;
  • At least five (5) years of relevant experience in formulating trade and investment policy;
  • Understanding of private sector development issues and reasonable knowledge of private sector in post conflict setting
  • Good Computer skills;
  • Should be fluent in English
4. Reporting

The Policy Consultant will work in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sudan and report to the PSD Project Senior Policy Advisor on Trade and Regulatory Framework

5. Term of the Assignment

The Legal Consultant shall be engaged for a period of six (6) months with possibility for extension depending on satisfactory performance and need. The Policy Consultant shall be engaged for a period of four (4) months.

6. The Selection Process

Applicant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (May 2004; revised October 2006).

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry through its Project Coordination Unit (PCU) now invites eligible individuals to apply for the two positions.

Complete CVs and attached documents in plain sealed envelops with appropriate position reference and name clearly marked on top should be sent/delivered to the address below or forwarded using the email address as shown below.

Interested individual consultants may obtain further information and the Terms of Reference at the address indicated below from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm East African Time (GMT + 3) hours from Monday to Friday.

Private Sector Development Project
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
P.O. Box 73, Juba,
Southern Sudan
Attn: The Project Coordinator
Tel:+256-477124059, +256-782526981
Email: psdgoss07 @ and copy to: elisaemmanuel @

7. Deadline for Submission of Applications

Applications and Curriculum Vitae must be delivered to the address above on or before 5:00 pm East African Time (GMT + 3) on 11th December, 2009.

Qualified Sudanese nationals are highly encouraged to apply

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Southern Sudan

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