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Thursday, November 26, 2009

County Council of Tana River Job Vacancies

Enforcement Officer
(SS 10) - 1 Post

Salary scale: Ksh. 226,800 - 333,300/= per annum
House allowance Kshs 12,000 p.m.

  • Reporting to clerk to the Council, the enforcement officer will direct and oversee the performance of all Council askaris and security operations
  • Enforcing all by laws, regulations and laws relating to Council operations.
  • Conducting investigation and prosecuting on behalf of the Council.
  • Advising the Council on all security matters.
  • Ensuring the safety of all council properties.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by the County Clerk.
  • KCE division II or KCSE Grade - C
  • A certificate of training, inspectorate of Examination, mounted by a reputable institution e.g. city inspectorate training school, Kiganjo Police training college or any other training institution with equivalent and relevant training skills.
  • Trained as a prosecutor e.g. from Kenya institute of administration and subsequent gazettement.
  • Certificate of good conduct.
  • Age limit - 30 years.
2 I.C.T Officer
(SS 10) - 1 Post

Salary scale: Ksh. 226,800 - 333,300/= per annum
House allowance Ksh. 12,000 p.m.

  • Basic computer programming
  • Experience in providing assistance to end users concerning the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail and operating systems.
  • Assists assigned users in use of computer software, including standard office software, network and system client software, and specialized software that may be used by the council.
  • Perform basic network configuration procedures for the council.
  • Ability to identify and resolve computer system operation problem.
  • Oversee the daily performance of computer systems.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by the County clerk.
  • Must possess at least KCE division II or KCSE - Grade C.
  • A minimum of Diploma in information Technology/Diploma in computer Technology/KNEC Diploma in computer studies from a recognized institution.
  • Good knowledge of:
  1. Windows 2007 server and Active Directory
  2. Microsoft Office products.
  3. Hardware environment (PC, server).
  • Age limit - 30 years
3. Social Development Officer
(SS10) - 1 Post

Salary scale: Ksh. 226,800 - 333,300/= per annum
House allowance Ksh. 12,000 p.m.

  • Coordinate all community activities in consultation with other heads of departments
  • Planning of community activities as directed by the County Clerk.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time
  • KCE division II or KCSE Grade - C
  • Planning in community development or any other relevant training from a recognized government training institution in that field
  • Must be computer literate.
  • Any other duties as may be assigned by the county Clerk.
  • Age limit - 30 years
Clerical Officer III
(SS15) - 4 Posts

Salary scale: Ksh. 124,080 - 220,380/= per annum
House allowance Ksh. 5,250 p.m.

  • Updating of ledger/registers as may be assigned from time to time
  • Upkeep of daily/monthly abstracts of payments/receipts
  • Performance of any other clerical duties as may be assigned from time to time
  • KCE division III or KCSE Grade - C
  • KATC finalist
  • Any other recognized certificates from Government Training institute.
  • Age limit - 30 years
The successful candidates will be employed on permanent and pensionable terms.

Ladies have equal opportunities and are advised to apply.

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their hand written applications enclosing copies of their academic and professional certificate including detailed CV to:

The County Clerk
County Council of Tana River
P.O Box 29-70101

So as to reach not later than 30th December, 2009.

Please note that canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

Mohamed A. Mwatunza
County Clerk.

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