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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Job Vacancies in UNEP and in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to inform suitably qualified Kenyans to apply for the following vacancies available at the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

You are advised to apply on line through either of the following websites:, , or

and copy the same to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A. Vacancies in UNEP
  1. Secretary-General (CITES) D-2, Deadline for applications: 13 December 2009
  2. Chief, Early Warning Branch, Nairobi (D-1) , Deadline for applications: 11 December 2009
  3. Chief (Scientific Assessment Branch), Nairobi (D-1), Deadline for applications: 17 January 2010
B. Vacancies in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

1. Executive Director, Office of The Director-General (ODG-050), Paris (D-2),
Deadline for applications: Wednesday, 16 December 2009

2. Executive Director, Twas, Trieste, Italy (D-1), Deadline for applications: 07
December 2009

3. Chief Medical Officer, P-5, Deadline for applications: 14 December 2009

4. Programme Specialist (ED-655), P-3, Deadline for applications: 21 December

5. Chief of Section, (ED-647), P-3, Deadline for applications: 21 December 2009

6. Business Intelligence Specialist,(ADM.- 115), P-3, Deadline for applications: 14
December 2009

7. Assistant Director- General Positions at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, Deadline
for applications: 27 December 2009
  • Assistant Director-General for Education (VA “ED-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences (VA “SC-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences (VA “SHS-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for Culture (VA “CLT-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information (VA “CI-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for Administration (VA: “ADM-001”);
  • Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Cooperation (VA: “ERC-001”); and
  • Assistant Director-General for Africa Department (VA: “AFR-001”);
8. Senior Programme Specialist (Higher Education) (AF/RP/SEN/ED/0035), P-5,
Deadline for applications: 28 December 2009

9. Assistant Programme Specialist (SHS-316), P-1/P-2, Deadline for applications: 28
December 2009


The ministry is calling upon Kenyans to submit their CVs to the Director, International Jobs and Diaspora Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Box 30551 – 00100, for consideration for future opportunities.

Members of the public are advised to regularly visit the Ministry’s website and notice board for updates of available International Jobs.

You are further advised to authenticate or verify any international jobs obtained through the internet or any other source with the Ministry before making any payment or accepting them.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Jobs and Diaspora Office is simply relaying the above vacancies open to qualified Kenyans to apply.

Applying for the jobs does not necessarily guarantee employment at the Organizations.

The International Jobs and Diaspora Office will continue to lobby for placement of Kenyans in International Organizations.

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