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Saturday, November 28, 2009

VSF Belgium announcement for consultancy services to undertake baseline survey for Food Security Recovery Program in 2 Counties of Lakes State Souther

Food Security Recovery Program (FSRP) – Lakes State Southern Sudan.

Terms of Reference for a Consultancy to undertake baseline survey for Food Security Recovery Program in 2 Counties of Lakes State Southern Sudan - .


Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Belgium (VSF-Belgium) is an international non – governmental organization whose vision is to improve the welfare of vulnerable populations in developing countries, through improving animal health and production. We have been a key player in the livestock sector in Southern Sudan since 1995 playing a major role in the establishment of a community based animal health delivery system and animal health delivery system and the ongoing rinderpest eradication process.

VSF Belgium’s 14 years of animal heath service provision in Southern Sudan has impacted positively on the community and changed lives of many families whose lives are dependent on livestock directly or indirectly.

VSF-Belgium has secured funding from European Commission to start up a four years Food Security Recovery Project (FSRP) in two counties (Rumbek North and Rumbek Central) of Lakes State with an overall objective of enhancing the livelihoods and stabilize food security among vulnerable agro pastoralist communities in Lakes state.


Lakes State is one of the four states of greater Bahr El Ghazal, it has an estimated area of 40,235 Km², with its capital and the seat of the government situated in Rumbek. Lakes state borders five other southern states; Central Equatoria to the south, Jonglei State on the Eastern Bank of White Nile, Unity State towards the north-eastern side, Warrap State on the north-western side, and Western Equatoria on the South and West. There are eight (8) administrative counties, each with several payams and bomas. The main ethnic group in the state is Dinka with the Jur Bel forming a minority. The human population of Lakes State is estimated at 695 730 people1.

This project will focus on the six payams in Rumbek North County, which have a population of 43,410 people; and five payams in Rumbek Central with a population of 153,550 people. The total number of households in both counties is 32,826 and this constitutes the indirect beneficiaries of the project. The direct beneficiary population of the proposed project is 10,000 households.

Objectives of the consultancy

The overall purpose of this survey is to provide the 2009/2010 reference points and monitoring base for the Food Security programme which extends over 48 months. The principles of participatory assessments and analysis will inherently part of the entire process. Diverse tools and methodologies are expected.

Impact indicators will be identified in key thematic areas of:-

  • Livelihoods/food security with a livestock-‘lens
  • Natural resources management (water, rangeland, forests, wildlife, soils)
  • Economy
  • Institutional, community development, socio-cultural

The baseline survey findings are to provide VSF-B, the community, relevant Lakes State line ministries and key stakeholders with results and recommendations that will inform or guide all decisions required in implementing projects that will succeed and bring about improved food security and enhanced livelihoods among vulnerable agro pastoralists in Lakes State. The outcomes will be of direct value to communities and their institutions.

The process itself will enhance competence of as many stakeholders as possible including potential Pastoralist Field School, Asset-based Community Development focal points. This will further lead to ownership of the process and product.

In a nutshell the baseline is desired to fulfill the following:-

  • Determine current/baseline values for all development indicators that will be used to arrive at the objectives set by the programme. Indicators developed will act as standards for the project. These indictors should also be useful in measuring any effectiveness or efficiency of impact after the implementation of the project.
  • Test and screen current indicators in the Programme strategy
  • Provide main 2009-2010 costings for actions such as vaccination of animals and for office and project establishment
  • Identify factors that are likely to enhance the success of current and future programming and prioritize interventions in a variety of sectors.
  • Develop impact indicators which measure change (economic, environmental, livestock health)
  • Develop results based indicators and measures in line with the Programme strategy.
  • Provide the benchmarks for peace: conflict dynamic in the two counties and relevant neighboring areas. Profile actions and successes being undertaken by the particular communities and their leaders (men, women, and youth) and the State and County authorities. Identify ‘hot spots’ with respect to livestock related interventions including reference to customary norms and regulations of the different Sub tribes in the two counties.


The consultancy will be based in Lakes State – Rumbek North and Rumbek Central Counties.

Key actions and responsibilities for consultant (s)

  • Prepare a detailed work plan for the assignment which outlines the participatory methodology to be used with resource persons drawn from the relevant PFS, communities etc;
  • Undertake secondary review and documentation of previous work by other stakeholders, Joint needs Assessments and Annual needs assessment reports, Lakes State strategy document for 2008 – 2010.
  • Ensure engagement with communities’ local administrations, PFS facilitators, Village Land Use Planning Committees, water users associations, Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs), VSF-B staff, Lakes State MAARF officials and other key livestock stakeholders in Rumbek North and Rumbek Central Counties.
  • Provide summary feedback prior to departure from Lakes State to stakeholders and VSF-Belgium
  • Prepare a comprehensive final report.

Anticipated Consultancy Outcomes

  • Baseline report with a set of indicators
  • Monitoring framework under key themes or results
  • Maps - geography, landscape, soil composition, demographic information on human and livestock, economic activities, photos.
  • Data base of resource persons for food security in the state.
  • Modified strategy/ log-frame


The entire assignment is not expected to take more than 30 days. The work will commence by December 16th 2009 (Nairobi-based), field work to start by January 6th to be completed by 20th January 2010 in Lakes State. The consultant will submit final report and appendices by February 2nd in duplicate hard-copy with CD.

The contents of the report shall be as follows:

  • Executive summary (covering major findings and recommendations).
  • Background.
  • Description of the objectives of the mission and execution methodology.
  • Monitoring framework and indicators and reworked strategy /log-frame
  • Annexes covering key maps, photographs/images, key contacts,
  • Terms of Reference, abbreviations, data collection formats and questionnaires, used references, graphs, tables, etc.).

    The Project Manager FSRP based in Rumbek - Lakes State, Southern Sudan will ensure the overall coordination of the mission in conjunction with the Animal Production Specialist also based in Rumbek. The consultant(s) will be expected to work closely with Lakes State Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Resources and Fisheries and relevant stakeholders.

    The Project Manager will have overall responsibility and accountability for the mission and will provide guidance through all stages of the consultancy.


The Consultant is expected to have the following attributes:

Postgraduate qualification in Agriculture/ Animal health & Production/ Veterinary medicine/ natural resource management or a graduate qualification with at least 7 years experience in programming and baseline assessments.

  • Significant field experience in East Africa in livelihoods planning and programming
  • Significant experience in coordination, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs.
  • Good communications skills and experience in working with teams, in facilitation
  • Ability to write clear and useful reports (may be required to produce examples of previous work) and excellent analytical and writing skills
  • Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines.
  • Experience with analysis of development in a rural and post-conflict environment.
  • Working experience in Southern Sudan is desirable.
  • Available for the whole time of the baseline survey.

Closing date: 10h December 2009.

Contact Information

Interested expert(s) should submit proposals indicating relevant qualifications and experience as well as detailed execution plan they would use for the mission. They should also indicate daily consultancy rates and possible starting dates. The proposals, CV and letter of motivation as well as three (3) referees should be sent electronically to Ref: FSRP Consultancy 12/09.

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