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Monday, November 30, 2009

Request for Expressions of Interest (Consultancy Services): Development of an Integrated Macro Economic Model for the Government of Uganda

The Republic of Uganda
Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development

The Financial Management and Accountability Programme (FINMAP)

Request for Expressions of Interest (Consultancy Services)

Development of an Integrated Macro Economic Model for the Government of Uganda


1. The Government of Uganda (GoU) has received funding from Development partners towards the cost of the Financial Management and Accountability Programme (FINMAP), and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of the funds to payments under the contract for provision of consultancy services.

The overall objective of FINMAP is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of central and Local Government public financial management and financial accountability processes, including an increase in transparency in the use of public funds.

2. The Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development intends to develop a macro economic model for the Government of Uganda. The model is required to:
  • Provide an accurate representation of the quantitative relationships between variables in the real, external, fiscal and monetary/financial sectors.
  • Is useful in explaining the empirical behaviour of Uganda's macro economy but more importantly, is geared for forecasting and policy/impact/scenario analysis
  • Be integrated with other non standard macroeconomic variables e.g. poverty headcount, labour market, sectoral public expenditure, electricity output etc.
  • Have direct linkages between the financial sector (interest rates, private sector credit by industry etc) and the real sector.
3. The proposed macroeconomic model will be developed in stages as follows:
  • Project inception;
  • Review of existing macroeconomic policy financial programming frameworks and related economic models;
  • Analysis of GoU's Input-Output table/Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and feasibility of using their results in an integrated macroeconomic model; and
  • Development of a Uganda integrated macroeconomic model and training.
4. The Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development now invites eligible Consulting firms to indicate their interest in carrying out the assignment. Interested firms must provide a capacity statement indicating that they are capable of rendering the services.

The submission should include but not limited to the following;
  • Eligibility documentation (Certificate of Incorporation/Registration,
  • Tax clearance certificates,
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association),
  • brochures,
  • description of similar assignments,
  • experience under similar conditions,
  • availability of the required skills among staff, etc.
Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications.

5. A consultancy firm will be selected through the Open International Bidding Procedures in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act No. 1/2003 and the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Regulations No.70/2003, and is open to all Consultants from eligible source countries as defined in the Guidelines.

6. Expressions of interest should be submitted in sealed envelopes and clearly marked "Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services - Development of an Integrated Macro Economic Model for the Government of Uganda Ref: MoFPED/FINMAP/CONS/09-10/00008".

7. The Expressions of interest must be addressed and physically delivered to the address below at or before 3:OOPM on Friday 18th December 2009.

The Programme Coordinator
The Financial Management and Accountability Programme (FINMAP)
Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development
Finance Building; 3rd Floor, Room 3.4
Kampala, Uganda

Tel: +256-41-4707900,
Fax: +256-41-4250005,

E-mail: finmap @

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