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Monday, November 2, 2009

Southern Sudan Private Sector Development Project (SSPSDP) Entrepreneurship Development Strategy

Government of South Sudan (GOSS)
Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MoCI)

Southern Sudan Private Sector Development Project (SSPSDP): Entrepreneurship Development Strategy

Request No.: EOI/PSDP/05/2009

Grant No: TF 090186

1. Background:

The Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) has received a Grant co-financed by the Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and the GOSS to support implementation of the Southern Sudan Private Sector Development Project (SSPSDP) which became effective in May 2007.

The International Development Association (IDA) is acting as administrator of these funds. The objective of the Project is to develop an enabling environment for private sector growth, and to sustainably increase formal employment in Southern Sudan.

The project focuses on policy issues, financing, capacity building, and factor markets. It has four key components that are designed to, support establishment of a policy and legal framework for private investment and trade, increase access to microfinance through creation of viable microfinance institutions, help identify and support key high value-added industries in Southern Sudan and support the establishment of a food wholesale market in Juba.

It is intended that part of the proceeds of the grant will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for a Training Services Provider This position is only open to consulting firms.

2. Objectives of the Consulting Assignment:

This consultancy assignment is aimed at supporting the development and implementation of a program to help the GOSS to raise the awareness of the population to engage in productive business activities after acquiring basic business skills, targeting women, unemployed and demobilized soldiers who have the potential to form micro, small and medium enterprises.

3. Description of Services

The Consultant shall do everything possible to assist the MoCI to achieve the stated objectives and in doing so shall carry out all necessary tasks, including but not limited to the following:
  • Designing an appropriate Entrepreneurship Development Strategy for GOSS in consultation with major stakeholders
  • Mobilizing potential entrepreneurs, especially women, to form community business groups and associations for the purposes of supporting business activities and accessing enterprise business development services
  • Working closely with Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development to establish cooperatives for business initiatives and investment
  • Educating potential and existing entrepreneurs on how to start businesses as per current regulations and by-laws
  • Organizing training workshops and seminars to transfer simple and appropriate business skills to identified potential entrepreneurs and artisans
  • Publishing and disseminating simple materials aimed at raising entrepreneurial understanding and drive among the different target groups
  • Organize local meetings throughout Southern Sudan, often featuring successful entrepreneurs and supported by radio and other available media and
  • Skills development for intermediaries such as traders as well as other indirect players in the value chain like banks & business service providers.
4. Extent of the Services:

The delivery of the consultancy is to be carried out in eighteen (18) months and the activities during the period will be divided up as

Phase 1: Design/Development of the Strategy which will take the initial three months and

Phase 2: Implementation of the Strategy, which will take the ensuing 15 months.

The SSPSDP now invites eligible consultancy firms to indicate their interest in providing the services.

Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc).

Consultancy firms may associate to enhance their qualifications.

5. Selection Method:

The Request for Proposal (RFP) that would be prepared based on this Request for Expressions of Interest will provide shortlisted consultants four weeks within which to submit their Technical and Financial Proposals.

This is a Request for Expression of Interest, not a Request for Proposal; consultancy firms are expected to provide a profile of their organizations citing general firm experience and qualifications and experience of key staff, without providing any financial information.

Following a shortlist, a detailed RFP will be sent to the shortlisted firms.

A consultancy firm or firms (in the case of a joint venture) will be selected in accordance with the Quality & Cost Based Selection procedures set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrower, May 2004, Revised October 2006.

Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below from 9:00 to 17:.00 hours East African Time (GMT+3), Monday to Friday.

6. Submission of EOIs:

Expressions of interest (EOI) must be delivered in sealed envelopes, or sent by email attachment to the address below by 17:00 hours East African Time (GMT+3) by Friday 13th November, 2009.


Project Coordinator,
Private Sector Development Project (PSDP),
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Juba,
Southern Sudan.

Telephone: (+249) 122 177269 or 913 259893 or 126 519668; (+256) 477 104766 or 477 112453

E-mail: psdgoss07 @ and copy elisaemmanuel @ and Crown Agents, GoSS Procurement Agent: admin @

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