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Friday, November 20, 2009

National Project Manager Job Vacancy: International Labour Office

International Labour Office

International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour

Vacancy Announcement Ref: SNAP Kenya

Job Description

Post Title: National Project Manager

Project: Creating the enabling environment to establish models for child labour free areas in Kenya: Support to the implementation of the National Action Plan for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour with special focus on agriculture and older children.

Contract/Duration: ILO Fixed-Term, National Officer - C. Twelve months including six-month probationary period with possibility of extension

Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya

Closing Date: 4th December 2009

1. Introduction

The International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (1PEC) is a technical assistance programme of the International Labour Organization within the framework of the ILO Conventions No. 138 on Minimum Age and No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.

The Programme is operational in over 80 countries worldwide and supported by more than 30 donors. Its long-term objective is the effective abolition of child labour. In the short and medium term, the programme aims at assisting member States in designing and implementing policies and programmes in particular time-bound measure to eliminate the worst forms of child labour.

IPEC also aims at heightening the awareness of member States and the international community about the problem of child labour and assists them in implementing the relevant international labour conventions.

In Kenya, the ILO supported the development of a Decent Work Country programme endorsed by the tripartite partners and covers the period 2007-2011. The elimination of child labour has been identified as a priority area of the DWCP, supporting the National Action Plan.

The ILO-IPEC project of support to the National Action Plan for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour will provide support to the goal of the Government and the social partners of eliminating the worst forms of child labour by 2015, through implementing the National Action Plan at district and local level through an integrated area based approach.

The integrated area based approach aims at enhancing the capacity of the local authorities to deal with child labour at district level (with direct action in Kilifi, Kitui and Busia Districts) and to respond to the evolving education environment and to the effects of the food and financial crises.

The integrated area based approach is a key contribution to enable local authorities to deal with any and all worst forms of child labour - hazardous work, commercial sexual exploitation, domestic child labour, and mining among others - as they manifest themselves at the local level, thus providing a sustainable formula for the effective elimination of child labour.

The project also aims at providing continued support to the national level authorities to further integrate child labour concerns into other sectoral policies and programmes, to strengthen enforcement capacities and to leverage political support and resources to build sustainable partnerships to sustain action against child labour.

The ILO is seeking a Project Manager for this project.

2. Description of Duties

The National Project Manager (NPM) will report to the ILO Office in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, and ILO-IPEC Headquarters in Geneva. The NPM will co-ordinate the execution of this project with all concerned parties to ensure the effective provision of inputs and delivery of outputs.

The National Project Manager will be responsible for the management and execution of the project, i.e. s/he will be responsible for successful operation and implementation of the programme, its administration, monitoring and co-ordination of project activities.

The NPM will supervise a project team consisting of two programme officers, one finance/administrative assistant and three district project coordinators.

The National Project Manager will serve as team leader and supervise the work of the Project Team and will be responsible for the overall operational management of the project and for reporting according to ILO and donor requirements.

Technical guidance will be provided by ILO-IPEC Geneva and by ILO international specialists based in the ILO Decent Work Team based in Pretoria, South Africa , and in the sub-region.

Specific responsibilities include the following:
  • Ensure effective implementation of the project and work plan through timely provision of inputs, effective backstopping, timely and efficient delivery of outputs; and monitoring, reporting, and evaluation of the project activities in conformity with ILO policies and programme strategies as laid down in the project document, and in accordance with ILO programming guidelines, and administrative and financial procedures.
  • Liaise with all relevant stakeholders to ensure achievement of the objectives of the project; provide leadership and strategic thinking to ensure that project activities focus on critical areas.
  • Establish and maintain working relations with the National Steering Committee (NSC), relevant government agencies, ILO social partners and other stakeholders. Establish and maintain diplomatic networking and working relations with government agencies, UN agencies and the local donor community.
  • Provide technical support to implementing agencies in executing action programmes at national level in the field of policy and research and link the project implementation with ILO work at the bilateral level.
  • Guide and supervise the work of the staff and ensure effective coordination and collaboration between the various projeA components.
  • Represent the project in various fora, organise ownership exercises, identify and train partner agencies to assist them in the design of action programmes and monitoring and adapting them where appropriate.
  • In line with the ILO-IPEC monitoring procedures, undertake advisory and monitoring field visits to the different project locations in order to assess progress, identify implementation problems and take corrective measures.
  • Ensure that ILO-IPEC systems for implementation, monitoring and reporting (DBMR, PMP, etc.) are in place within the project office and with implementing agencies, and that information provided by implementing agencies is recorded and verifiable.
  • Establish and develop knowledge management systems covering ILO-IPEC awareness raising and policy dialogue.
  • Build the capacity of implementing partners to assume responsibility for sustaining impact and action. Promote field activities and organize training workshops and meetings for the tripartite partners, NGOs and other agencies, target groups and staff as appropriate.
  • Manage project funds, prepare budget estimates and expenditure forecast by analyzing and monitoring situation of resources as compared to planned activities and making recommendation for remedial action
  • Ensure timely delivery of reports
  • Under guidance of ILO Dar Es Salaam, maintain relations with mass media and concerned media groups in order to increase the impact of the project in society as a whole.
  • As IPEC focal point in the country, the project manager will coordinate timely reporting to IPEC HQ on all IPEC activities in the country. He/she also identifies opportunities for new initiatives, initiates and engages in programme development, and acts as a resource person for IPEC in terms of potential collaboration, pooling of resources, etc.
  • Carry out other duties as may be assigned.
The NPM will work closely with the head of the Child Labour Division in the Ministry of Labour, employers and workers focal points and will attend NSC meetings.

The strategic role of the NPM will also include:
  • Monitoring ongoing trends, evolving needs and emerging issues in order to identify appropriate responses;
  • Participating in policy dialogue;
  • Synthesising, analysing and disseminating lessons learned and best practices drawn from project experiences;
  • Identifying, developing and applying effective strategies for capacity building;
  • Promoting collaboration within and among geographical areas, partners and institutions;
  • Participating with ILO units and other UN technical teams in the conceptualisation and development of approaches;
  • Creating a supportive environment to enhance partnerships and mobilise resources.

Education: University degree (post graduate level) in economics, social sciences, or related field and strong knowledge on development issues in Kenya

Experience: At least 7 years of experience with a minimum of 3 years field experience in managing technical co-operation, project management and/or implementing development programmes in the field of labour, migration, human trafficking, education and development or in policy development on labour and employment. An ability to understand and work effectively with Government, workers and employers organizations, Non-Government Organizations and UN agencies.

Good knowledge of labour issues and previous working experience in the field of child labour and/or youth employment is an added advantage.

Languages: Proficiency and ability to draft clearly and accurately in English.

  • Good knowledge of social economic development trends in Kenya.
  • Demonstrated ability to manage technical co-operation projects of international organizations, including negotiations with governments and social partners.
  • Good knowledge about child labour, gender and labour and other international human rights
  • Ability to conduct action oriented research and write analytical technical reports in English.
  • Ability to conduct policy discussion and high-level political processes including efforts to mainstream child labour.
  • Good communication skills, both written and verbal, to advocate successfully for and mobilize action against child labour, particularly worst forms of child labour.
  • Clear commitment to mainstream social dialogue and gender into project activities.
  • Ability to lead and work in a team and good interpersonal relations.
  • Ability to train and guide personnel.
  • Ability to work under time pressure and meet deadlines.
  • Ability to work in diversified environments.
  • Knowledge of and ability to use computers, including Microsoft Office applications.
  • Ability to work independently with a minimum of supervision.
Interview and Written Examination
  • Only prospective candidates will be interviewed and may also be required to do a written examination.

If the selected candidate has less than the qualifications required, the appointment may be made at a grade lower than that of the position.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae/resume to the address below.

Applications must include precise information on education, work experience (name of organization, starting and ending dates, work 'performed, name of supervisor and contact), and other relevant experience and skills. Applicants are encouraged to give three references.

Applications from women are encouraged.

No candidatures will be accepted after the closing date.

Applications should be submitted electronically, mentioning the vacancy announcement reference to

Email: iloemploydar@

International Labour Office
76/27 & 105/27
Maktaba Street

P.O Box 9212
Dar Es Salaam

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