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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kigali City, Rwanda Career Opportunities

The Kigali City would like to recruit competent staff for the following posts:
  1. Urban Planners - Kigali City (2)
  2. Urban Planners - Districts of Gasabo, Kicukiro, and Nyarugenge (8)
  3. Urban Planners - All Sectors in Kigali excluding Rutunga, Nduba and Gikomero. (32)
  4. Economic Researcher (1)
  5. Accountant- Agaseke Promotion Project (1)
1. Particular Requirements for the Posts

A) All Urban Planners

Job requirements and competencies
  • Bachelors' degree in Urban Planning, or Civil Engineering, Public Works
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Prepare and recommend land development concepts and plan for zoning/subdivisions, transportation, public utilities, community facilities, parks, agricultural and other land use.
  • Develop specialized computer software routines, GIS database to customize geographic information of the land use.
  • Review and evaluate proposals for land use and development plans and prepare recommendations.
  • Monitor land allocation and land acquisition, property regularization process, and survey works.
  • Formulate long range objectives and policies relative to future land use and protection of environment.
B) Economic Researcher - (Re-advertised)

Job requirements and competencies
  • Bachelors' degree in Economics with 2 years working experience.
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Identify economic indicators in respect to trends of the national and local economies.
  • Assesses economic impact of tax laws and proposals, and make projections of anticipated revenue collections.
  • Researches, compiles, analyze, interpret, and prepare data on economic conditions in Kigali City.
  • Reviews and analyzes economic data to prepare reports detailing results of performed research.
C) Accountant - Agaseke Promotion Project (Re-advertised)

Job requirements and competencies
  • A Bachelors degree in Business Administration, Finance, or Accounting.
  • Experience in program management with particular focus on financial.
  • Analyse, control and reporting of funded projects;
  • Ability to write concise analytical papers for decision- making as well as presentations;
  • Ability to draft clear concise procurement documents;
  • Ability to develop and maintain effective work relationships;
  • Ability to establish priorities and to plan;
Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Full compliance with donor, rule and regulation of financial processes, financial records and reports and audit follow-up implementation of the effective internal control framework
  • Manage and administer all project funds efficiently, ensuring that the project stay within its budget.
  • To exercice control and monitoring over adequate disbursement of resources as well as provide technical advise on related financial policies and decisions
  • Verify and analyse financial reports and payment requests submitted
  • Maintain accounting records, classification and recording of financial transaction, reconciliation of accounts and preparation of finance reports
  • Preparation and modification of the projects budget
  • Advice and provide guidance on management of financial and administrative matters
  • To produce quality periodic financial reports as per donor regulation and contractual obligation
  • To assist in preparing and revising contractual documents
  • Report on the program and actions to take with a view of delay in the
2. Mode of Application:

The application should comprise the following documents:
  • A cover letter clearly identifying the post applied for and how they meet the requirements of the post with a. comprehensive curriculum vitae attached;
  • A notified copy of relevant academic and professional certificates.
  • Contact address including physical address, day telephone and e-mail address.
  • 3 references and recommendation letters of previous employers with their contact day telephone and e-mail address.
Interested candidates who are qualified for the posts should send the above mentioned documents to the address below not later than 27th November 2009.

Late applications will be rejected.

Attn: Mayor Kigali City
Kigali City
P.O Box: 3527
Tel: 250- 57 2255 /576967.


Done at Kigali, on 10th November 2009.

Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira
Kigali City

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