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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Country Representative: seeks to expand its presence in Eastern Africa by recruiting a country representatives in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan and Zanzibar.

Duties and responsibilities
1. Establish in the country
2. Manage contents sourcing and uploading onto – Directory, classifieds, events, news/ comments and photos/videos
3. Recruit, train and manage local agents
4. Market Mojatu locally
5. Distribute Mojatu magazines and directories – print, online, CD and mobile
6. Sell other specific products and services offered by Mojatu for specified commission

1. No initial costs required
2. Training teams from UK/ USA at least 3 times a year will come over for training
3. Retain 50% of all income generated by adverts in your country
4. Retain all income generated by sale of magazines and directories
5. Earn commissions for partner products and services
6. Receive weekly leads and guidelines of organisations and individuals to approach for marketing purposes
8. Freedom to run and manage Mojatu marketing and growth as you wish

Application process
If you are interested, please email Kate on Subject: Country Rep

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