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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Contents Managers: Mojatu.Com, the #1 Eastern Africa Directory, Classifieds and Events website and publisher of Mojatu Monthly Magazine and Mojatu directories is recruiting local agents.

Applicants are urgently required in the whole of Eastern Africa region – Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somali, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

You will report to the Mojatu Country Office

Duties and responsibilities
1. Source, upload and manage contents
2. Source premium adverts for online, magazine and directory listings
3. Assist local organisations to load contents onto at a fee
4. Market Mojatu locally by:
a. Distributing Mojatu marketing materials
b. Encouraging local listings – directory, events and events
5. Distribute Mojatu magazines and directories – either free or for sale
6. Sell other specific products and services offered by partners

Benefits and support
1. Receive a computer and internet connection (Conditions apply)
2. 10% commission for all paid adverts you upload
3. Commission for procusts and services offered by Mojatu partners
4. Free business and IT skills training by our UK/USA teams
5. Receive copies of Mojatu monthly magazines for sale
6. Receive copies of Mojatu annual directories for distribution
7. Receive Mojatu marketing materials

If you are interested, please email Kate on

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