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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The 6 Most Annoying Coworkers

A great coworker can help you look forward to going to work each day. An annoying coworker, on the other hand, can make you want to hide under the covers.

A large survey by the staffing firm Ranstad USA asked employees what their biggest office peeves were. It turns out they all involved coworkers. Annoying ones.

Do you recognize any of the top six most annoying coworker types?

The Psst-er: Gossipers were the number one pet peeve in the survey. While some people like to hear juicy tidbits about the boss or their colleagues, too much gossip can undermine the spirit of the workplace. Plus you're always wondering when the Psst-er will make you the topic du jour.

The Broken Clock: These coworkers stink at time management. They're routinely late for everything, including work. They tend to spend too much time on emails, take long lunches, and then scramble to get others to help them meet their deadlines, which, for some reason, they keep missing.

Mold Guy: Coworkers who mess up communal spaces were third on the list of workplace pet peeves. Their month-old leftovers sport a thick layer of fur in the company fridge. Every office seems to have at least one who stinks up shared spaces.

The Whiffy Wonder: You can smell these coworkers wafting about from the other end of the office. They just wear too much perfume or cologne. Some have an obsession with Obsession. Others feel the need to douse themselves with Old Spice. And hiding in your cubicle won't make the overpowering smell go away.

The Cracker: Crackers are loud. They crack loud jokes, they crack their knuckles, they crackle their chewing gum, they clank spoons in coffee cups like they're calling the cows to come in from the fields. People who work near crackers can find themselves ready to crack.

The Tapper: Tappers are generally quieter than Crackers. But that doesn't make them any less annoying when they're tap-tap-tapping on their personal communication devices during meetings. It's distracting, rude, and yes, just plain annoying!

The one positive aspect of these annoying coworkers is that they tend to unite the rest of us who can bond over the latest outrageous offense. Besides laughing at the insanity, here are some other ways to cope:

* Even the most annoying types may annoy you less if you love everything else about your job. Take the free career test to find a job you absolutely love.

* If you find yourself subject to one or more of these annoying types and they're driving you batty, it may be time to find a new job that offers greater job satisfaction, with fewer obnoxious coworkers. Take the free resume test to ensure your resume is in shape.

* If you find that all of your coworkers get under your skin, you may be better off working for yourself with the power to select your own co-workers. Take a free entrepreneur test to find out if you have what it takes to start your own business.

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