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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kimira-Oluch Smallholder Farm Improvement Project (KOSFIP) Consultancy on Environmental Audit

Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Regional Development Authorities
Kimira-Oluch Smallholder Farm Improvement Project (KOSFIP)
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Expressions of Interest
Consultancy on Environmental Audit
Ref No: KOSFIP/C/1/010-011
This Specific Procurement Notice follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this Project, which appeared in the UN Development Business, Issue No. 687 of 30th September 2006.
The Government of the Republic of Kenya has received a loan from the African Development Fund (ADF) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to cover eligible payments under the contract for Consultancy Services on Environmental Audit following the implementation of Construction of the Major Civil Works in Kimira and Oluch Irrigation Schemes, in Rachuonyo North and Homa – Bay districts , respectively.
The services include but not limited to the following :-
  • Assess and document the actual environmental impacts resulting from the project activities;
  • Verify whether the proponent /client is complying with relevant environmental statutory and regulatory requirements, internal policies and accepted practices;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and functioning of the Monitoring Mechanisms in place;
  • Identify and assess any foreseeable risks associated with hazardous conditions attributable to the project activities, and propose prevention or mitigation measures for such risks;
  • Examine monitoring parameters, programs, and procedures in place for control and corrective actions in cases of emergencies and examine records of incidents, accidents and likelihood of future occurrence of the same;
  • Develop an Audit Action Plan for making decisions and providing solutions that are geared towards ensuring the environmental sustainability of the project.
The project now invites consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services.
Interested firms must provide a statement of capability and experience indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.).
A short list of six firms will be compiled in accordance with the procedures set out in the African Development Bank’s Rotes and Procedures for the Use of Consultants.
Written Expressions of Interest in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the consultancy name & Reference No. must be deposited in the Tender Box at KOSFIP Offices, Homa- Bay, located next to Capital Fish Company, along Homa – Bay / Kendu – Bay Road or sent to the address below:-
The Project Manager,
Kimira-Oluch Smallholder Farm Improvement Project,
Kendu Bay – Homa Bay Road
P.O Box 293 -40300,
Homa Bay
The deadline for submission is Friday, 1/10/2010 at 2.30 P.M local time.
Nelson K. Korir
Project Manager- KOSFIP
For: Permanent Secretary

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