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Friday, November 12, 2010

Finance and Administration Manager

The Water Resources Management Authority was established under the Water Act.2002.

The Act provides the foundation for the implementation of the National Water Resources Management Strategy, whose overall goal is to meet the water, related Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) is the lead agency in water resources management and its overall development objective is to ensure a rational and effective framework to meet the water needs for national economic development, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and social well being of the people of Kenya.

Applications are invited for the following posts in Water Resources Management Authority:

Finance and Administration Manager 
Ref: FAM/01/2010

Position Scope

He or she will be responsible for the management of the financial and Administration of the

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

The Finance and Administration Manager will be the head of the Finance and Administration department and will be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for:
Formulation and implementation of sound financial policies, strategies and systems
Managing all the Board’s internal and external financial reporting, budgeting and forecasting requirements.
Overseeing the production of timely and accurate monthly, quarterly and annual financial management accounts and other reports.
Implementing financial and accounting systems
Ensuring adequate controls that support the Board’s financial operational efficiency and compliance.
Procurement and distribution of the Board’s office equipment, services and assets.
Qualifications and Experience
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance or Accounting from a recognized university and CPA (K).
Masters in Finance or Accounting and Administration
Minimum of twelve (10) years of experience with five (5) years experience at senior level.
Team player, highly analytical and able to travel when called upon.
Good interpersonal relations and communications skills
Should be able to work with minimum supervision.
Working knowledge in financial and accounting package and computer literate.
Thorough knowledge of Government Financial Regulations, practices and procedures
A good understanding of relevant requirements particularly the statutory guidelines on Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005
Working knowledge of labour legislations and the Employment Act, 2007, and their implications at the workplace
Ability to manage staff and provide good leadership skills.

Interested candidates should send their application letters, detailed curriculum vitae with copies of relevant certificates, other testimonials, current remuneration, 3 referees with current email addresses, and a day time telephone contact to the address below:-

The Chief Executive Officer
Water Resources Management Authority
NHIF Building, Wing B, 9th Floor
P. O. Box 45250-00100 Nairobi
Tel.020-2732291, 2729048/9, 3578853


Clearly mark the envelop with the relevant reference No. to reach him not later than 30th November 2010.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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