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Friday, November 12, 2010

Internal Auditor

The Water Resources Management Authority was established under the Water Act.2002.

The Act provides the foundation for the implementation of the National Water Resources Management Strategy, whose overall goal is to meet the water, related Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

The Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) is the lead agency in water resources management and its overall development objective is to ensure a rational and effective framework to meet the water needs for national economic development, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and social well being of the people of Kenya.

Applications are invited for the following posts in Water Resources Management Authority:

Internal Auditor 
Ref: IA/02/2010

The Internal audit’s objective is to provide a service to all levels of technical and administration management by carrying out independent appraisals and analyses of risk control mechanisms, and by making recommendations to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the activities and operating procedures under management control.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:
Reviewing and appraising the soundness, adequacy and application of accounting, financial and other controls (both existing and proposed) to promote effective and efficient internal control at reasonable cost;
Ascertaining the level of compliance with established policies, plans and procedures;
Ascertaining the effectiveness with which the Authority’s assets are accounted for and safeguarded from losses of all kinds;
Ascertaining the reliability of management data produced within the Authority;
Conducting special investigations.
In accordance with the risk based audit requirements the internal auditor will examine the systems throughout the Authority which control;
All forms of contracts and capital expenditure;
Raising and collecting revenue
Administration and operational expenditure
Qualifications and Experience

The successful candidates will be expected to possess the following qualifications:
Bachelors Degree from a recognized and reputable university;
Fully qualified CPA(K) or equivalent qualifications;
Experience of audit work in a large private or public organization at supervisory level will be an added advantage;
Must have at least 9 years working experience;
Must be able to work to strict deadlines with minimal supervision;
Must be computer literate.

Interested candidates should send their application letters, detailed curriculum vitae with copies of relevant certificates, other testimonials, current remuneration, 3 referees with current email addresses, and a day time telephone contact to the address below:-

The Chief Executive Officer
Water Resources Management Authority
NHIF Building, Wing B, 9th Floor
P. O. Box 45250-00100 Nairobi
Tel.020-2732291, 2729048/9, 3578853


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