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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Retirement Benefits Scheme Pension Administrator Job Vacancy.

Job Ref. MN 4545

Our client, Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme is a defined benefit scheme which was set up in accordance with a trust deed properly executed on 1st January 1995. The Scheme has a membership of 3000. The Scheme is managed by a Board of Trustees and is self administered and based at KARl Headquarters.

To continue providing the requisite services to its pensioners and run the Scheme in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules and the Retirement Benefits Regulations, KARl Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme wishes to recruit a dynamic, innovative and experienced person to fill the position of Pension Administrator, who shall be reporting to the Board of Trustees through the Trust Secretary.

Job Profile
* General administration of the scheme to ensure smooth running and in accordance with the Trust Deed and Rules.
* Establish and maintain high quality accounting and financial management services for the pension scheme.
* Maintain all pension records, including information on employer and employee contributions.
* In consultation with the Trust Secretary, organize Board of Trustee meetings, bank cheques, obtain bank statements and maintain all payment records.
* Arrange and make follow ups on annual audit of the schemes’ accounts.
* Process benefits to retiring pension scheme members.
* Process benefits to the beneficiaries of a deceased pension scheme member.
* Arrange for scheme members’ Annual General Meetings (AGM).
* Ensure release of Scheme’s Newsletter twice a year.

Person Profile

* Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) degree, accounting option from a recognized institution.
* CPA III and must be a registered member of ICPAK.
* Minimum of five (5) years experience in Pensions Scheme Administration.
* Must be computer literate.

An attractive salary and allowances commensurate with the responsibilities of the position will be payable. The successful candidate will be engaged on a three years contract period renewable subject to satisfactory performance.

Send your application with a detailed CV with a daytime telephone contact and copies of certificates.

Please also summarize yourself as follows:
* Job Ref.No.
* Your Name
* Current/Past Salary: Year 2009 PM, Year 2010 PM
* Year 2010 Benefits: If house, state market rent; If car state CC

Send your application by hand, courier, post or email so as to reach us by 11th October 2010. Limit email to maximum 3 pages A4 size CV and no attachments. Mark Job Ref. No. on top left of the envelope.

Send to:
Executive Selections Division,
Manpower Services (K) Ltd,
3rd Floor, Landmark Plaza,
Directly Opposite Nairobi Hospital Entrance,
P.O. Box 50736-00200, Nairobi.


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