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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

FAO Monitoring & Evaluation Consultant Job in Kenya

M&E system for the livelihood based projects:

The M&E specialist is responsible for guiding the development of the overall M&E strategy for the
livelihood based projects thus ensuring timely and relevant information to project managers, project stakeholders and donors. This requires close coordination and communication with: project director, implementing organizations and the M&E Unit.

Critical tasks for the M&E specialist will be the set up of the M&E system and ensuring that proper procedures, human resources and budgets are allocated accordingly.

The M&E system will be based on the projects log frames, for which the M&E plan will be developed and will build as much as possible upon existing M&E mechanisms and systems among partners involved in the livelihood based projectsimplementation.
  • Develop the overall framework for project M&E in accordance to the project documents together with the M&E plan.
  • Conduct readiness assessment regarding M&E. What are the incentives at the system level, which are the beneficiaries, what is the existing capacity?
  • Guide and coordinate the review of the project logframe including:
  • Provide technical advice for the revision of performance indicators
  • Ensure realistic intermediate and end-of-project targets are defined
  • Identify sources of data, collection methods, who collects data, how often, cost of collection and who analyzes it.
  • Ensure all critical risks are identified
  • Identify the core information needs to be provided to the M&E Unit, PAC (Project Advisory Committees) and PSC (Project Steering Committee) in the different projects, funding agencies implementing agencies and authorities.
  • Clarify M&E responsibilities of different project personnel and review the respective TOR.
  • Outline the management information system, define reporting requirements from project managers responsible for implementing activities/components and define formats for standard reports (e.g., quarterly and annual reports).
  • Contribute to the development of the Annual Work Plan, ensuring alignment with project strategy, agreement on annual targets and inclusion of M&E activities in the work plan on line with FAO rules and regulations and after discussions with LIVELIHOOD-BASED PROJECTS Project managers.
  • Prepare calendar of M&E activities
  • Define how often and how the M&E system will be revised and improved, as well as whose responsibility this is.
  • Ensure that the M&E system is based on a learning orientation and is focused around the needs of the decision-makers to manage for impact. Reach agreement on when reflections and information analysis will take place and with whom.
  • Identify other M&E staff that the projects needs to contract.
  • Recommend suitable professional M&E training for all staff in the M&E unit
  • Development of Project Impact Assessment (PIA) methodology in line with the livelihood based projectsdocument and implementing agencies internal M&E.
Development of FAO Somalia M&E System:

In the framework of the FAO plan of action design the FAO monitoring system, in line with the PCM (log frame matrix) approach.
  • Review project log frame to access how much the projects are in line with the Plan of Action.
  • Define the set of procedures and agreements through which information travels within FAO to different management levels and back, in order to support decision making and reporting (clear lines of communication).
  • Help to define the roles and responsibilities of all relevant actors as well as lines of communication.
  • Guide the process for identifying and assessing the value of key indicators for each projects/program to record and report progress against the plan of actions and strategy in terms of :
  1. Monitoring of Outputs (efficiency)
  2. Monitoring of Results (effectiveness)
  3. Monitoring of Reaction (utility and impact)
  4. Monitoring of Context
  • Brief overview of current projects status in terms of:
  1. Intended achievements for the reporting period according to the Log Frame
  2. Actual achievements compared with planned results for the period
  3. Problems emerging during the implementation period and how they influence the project implementation
  4. Proposed solutions and alternatives to the problems
  5. Relevance of objectives and indicators: if the objectives are relevant and achievable, if the indicators are suitable to indicate achievements
  6. Achievement of milestones for the activities, which contribute to reaching project objectives or results
  7. Expenditure statement compared with planned budget

At least ten years of proven experience with:
  • The logical framework approach and other strategic planning approaches;
  • M&E methods and approaches (including quantitative, qualitative and participatory);
  • Planning, design and implementation of M&E systems;
  • Training in M&E development and implementation and/or facilitating learning-oriented analysis sessions of M&E data with multiple stakeholders;
  • Data and information analysis
  • Report writing.
She/He must also have:
  • A solid understanding of environmental management , with a focus on participatory processes, joint management, and gender issues;
  • Familiarity with and a supportive attitude towards processes of strengthening local organisations and building local capacities for self-management;
  • Willingness to undertake regular field visits and interact with different stakeholders, especially primary stakeholders;
  • Computer skills;
  • Leadership qualities, personnel and team management (including mediation and conflict resolution);
  • Language skills as required.
  • Knowledge of Somalia ;
  • Understanding of UN FAO procedures;
  • Experience in data processing and with computers.
How to apply

Candidates are requested to submit a covering letter quoting the Position Title and Vacancy Announcement No. FAO/07/2010 along with their current/detailed Curriculum Vitae and FAO Personal History (PH) form (available at see following page for guidelines on how to fill it out).

E-mail is the preferred means of receipt and the application should be sent to

The subject line of the e-mail message should read CONFIDENTIAL – FAO/07/2010.

If making a hard copy submission, the envelope should be clearly marked CONFIDENTIAL – FAO/07/2010 and sent to the following address:

UN-Somalia Ngecha Road Complex
Corner Lower Kabete Road/Ngecha Road
P.O. Box 30470-00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Applications may also be faxed, again clearly indicating CONFIDENTIAL - FAO/07/2010 in the subject line, to +254-20-4000333.

Closing date: 01 Oct 2010

Applications must be received by the deadline. Late applications will not be considered.
Only short listed candidates meeting all essential qualifications will be contacted.

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Monitoring and Evaluation
United Nations

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