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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

University of Nairobi Kenya Job Advertisements

Applications are invited for the following positions:

Chief Technologist

School of Biological Sciences


(CBPS) (1 Post)

Applicants should have M.Sc degree in relevant specialization plus five(5) years experience as Senior Technologist or B.Sc. (Biology, Biomedical or Biotechnology) or Higher Diploma (Applied Biology or Medical Laboratory Techniques), or any qualification equivalent to the above, and a minimum of seven (7) years experience as a Senior Technologist in a busy teaching or research laboratory.

In addition, the applicant should be conversant with Laboratory Management and have practical knowledge in any one or more of the following areas: Taxonomy, Plant Physiology/Biochemistry, Hydrobiology, Biology of Conservation, Genetics, Histology, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology, Parastology, Immunology, Biotechnology, Mycology or Entomology.

Evidence of Research, Procurement or computer knowledge will be added advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to manage very busy laboratories, participate in student practical/demonstrations/research activities and also to initiate and oversee procurement of teaching materials.

The successful candidate is expected to be a team player with good leadership.

Tutorial Fellow

Department of Extra-Mural Studies


(CEES) (2 Posts)

The applicants must be holders of Masters’ Degree in Social Sciences. Those with Masters in Business Administration or Masters in Project Planning and Management from the University of Nairobi will have added advantage. Applicants are also expected to be registered for PhD degree.

Successful applicants’ will be expected to offer Tutorial services to both undergraduate and postgraduate students and they must be able to work anywhere within Extra-Mural Centres countrywide.

Tutorial Fellow

Department of Management Science


(CHSS) (2 Posts)

Applicants must be holders of a Masters Degree in Business Administration or equivalent, with emphasis on Management Sciences, and should be registered for PhD. in the School of Business, University of Nairobi or other accredited programmes.

Possession of at least one publication in a refereed journal, a chapter in a scholarly book, or some teaching experience at University level, will be an added advantage.

Applicants should be specialized in any of the following areas: Operations Research and Statistics, Operations Management, Project Management and Purchasing and Supply Chain Management.

Successful candidates will be expected to conduct tutorials and assist in other academic and research related activities in the Department.

There are two (2) posts, one position is based in Nairobi and the other in Mombasa.

Tutorial Fellow

Department of Finance and Accounting


(CHSS) (4 Posts)

Applicants should be holders of a Masters degree in Finance or Accounting from a recognized University and be registered for PhD. They must be specialized in any of the following areas: Financial Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, Management Accounting, Corporate Finance, Investments and Portfolio Management and Financial Institutions and Markets.

Senior Technologist

Grade DEF

School of Biological Sciences


(CBPS) (1 Post)

Applicants should have BSc. (Biology, Biomedical or Biotechnology) or Higher Diploma (Applied Biology or Medical Laboratory Techniques) or any qualification equivalent to the above. He/she should have a minimum of five (5) years experience as a Technologist (ABC) in a busy teaching or research laboratory.

In addition, the applicant should be conversant with Laboratory Management and have practical knowledge in any one or more of the following areas: Taxonomy, Plant Physiology/Biochemistry, Hydrobiology, Biology of Conservation, Genetics, Histology, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology, Parastology, Immunology Biotechnology, Mycology or Entomology.

Evidence of Research or Computer knowledge will be added advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to conduct student practical/demonstrations/research activities and also be made in charge of a laboratory section. He/she is to ensure laboratory cleanliness and good working condition and
calibration of equipment they are using.

The successful candidate is expected to be a team player with good leadership.


Grade B

A. School of Mathematics – AD/09/125/10 (CBPS) (1 Post)

B. Department of Clinical Studies– AD/09/126/10 (CAVS) (1 Posts)

Applicants should be holders of KCSE Mean Grade C or KCE Div. III or an equivalent qualification with a credit in English Language. In addition, they must have sat and passed the following subjects examined by the Kenya National
Examined by the Kenya national Examinations Council or an equivalent examining body:

  • Business English III
  • Commerce II
  • Secretarial Duties II
  • Office Management III
  • Shorthand (minimum 100 wpm) or Audio-typewriting III
  • Typewriting 50 wpm

They should be in possession of certificates in and be able to use Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Data Base Management packages, and Knowledge in Anti-virus tools.

Applicants must have served for three (3) years as Secretary Grade A or a comparable position of responsibility.


Grade ABC

School of Biological Sciences


(CBPS) (2 Posts)

Applicants should have KSCE mean grade C with credit in relevant subjects or ordinary Diploma (Applied Biology or Medical Laboratory Techniques) or any qualification equivalent to the above. He/she should have a minimum of three (3) years experience as a Trainee or Junior Technologist in a busy teaching or research laboratory.

In addition, the applicant should be knowledgeable in any of the following areas: Taxonomy, Plant Physiology/Biochemistry, Hydrobiology, Biology of Conservation, Genetics, Histology, Cell Biology; Animal Physiology, Parastology, Immunology, Biotechnology, Mycology or Entomology.

Evidence of Research or Computer knowledge will be added advantage.

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in student practical/demonstrations/research activities and cleanliness of the laboratories and equipments they are using.

The successful candidate is expected to be a team player with good leadership.

Assistant Secretary

Grade A

1. Security Department – AD/09/128/10 (R&T) (2 Posts) (Two Year Contract)

2. Principal’s Office CAVS - AD/09/129/10 (CAVS) (1 Post)

Applicants should be holders of KCSE Mean Grade C or KCE Div. III or an equivalent qualification with a Credit in English Language. In addition, they must have sat and passed the following subjects examined by the Kenya National
Examinations Council or an equivalent examining body:

  • Business English II
  • Commerce II
  • Secretarial Duties II
  • Office Management III
  • Shorthand II (minimum 80 wpm) or Audio-typing III
  • Typewriting 50 wpm

They should be in possession of certificates in and be able to use Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Data Base Management packages and Knowledge in Anti-Virus tools.


Grade III

Transport & Garages Department


(R&T) (4 Posts)

Applicants should be holders of at least KCSE level of education or equivalent with a clean driving licence classes ABCDE and PSV. In addition, they should have sat and passed Occupational Test Grade III, Motor Vehicle Mechanic Grade II certificate, be in possession of a certificate in First Aid, have a clean record of service and have at least three (3) years experience at Grade II.

Those who do not meet the above qualifications and have served as Driver Grade II for a period of not less than six (6) years will be considered.

Successful applicants should be ready to work outside normal working hours including weekends.

Note that this is a one year (1) contract renewable on mutual agreement.


  1. Applicants for academic posts (AC) should forward ten (10) should forward ten (10) copies of their application letters accompanied by similar number of certified copies of certificates and C.Vs giving details of their qualifications, experience, research activities and publications they appear in. Applicants for non-academic posts (AD) should submit seven (7) of the above supporting documents and applications letter.
  2. In both cases, applications and related documents should be forwarded through the applicants’ heads of department and applicants should state their current designations and salaries and other benefits attached to those designations. They should quote post reference codes as shown for each posts in the advertisement.

Applicants should be addressed as per the codes below:-

  • CHSS The Principal, CHSS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CEES The Principal, CEES, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CBPS The Principal, CBPS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • CAVS The Principal, CAVS, Box 30197-00100 Nairobi
  • R&T Deputy Registrar, (R&T), Box 30197-00100 Nairobi

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

Closing Date: October 08, 2010

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