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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chief Internal Auditor Job Vacancy in Rwanda


Rwanda Electricity Corporation & Rwanda Water and Sanitation Corporation (RECO & RWASCO) is a public institution charged with the product ion, transmission and distribution of Electricity and Water.

As a major player in the economic development of Rwanda, &a-RECO & RWASCO is under the tutelage of the ministry of Infrastructure in an effort to secure its continued transformation into a profitable, modern, efficient and effective customer oriented

To achieve the above objective, RECO & RWASCO wants to recruit Chief Internal Auditor.

Internal audit is an independent appraisal function established within RECO & RWASCO, to examine and assess the activities of the organization as a service to the Board of Directors in particular and to the management in general.

It is designed to assist the organization in accomplishing its objective by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management, control, and
governance process.

Key responsibilities:

* In charge of Internal Audit Unit
* Reviews the soundness and application of all systems and procedures, including internal Controls and their compliance to good utility management practices;
* Reviews the systems and procedures to ensure compliance with those policies, plans, procedures and regulations, which could have a significant impact on operations;
* Undertakes business risk analysis and advises management on mitigating actions;
* Prepares and implements the following: audit plans, programmes, strategies and manuals;
* Sets targets and monitor performance of audit staff
* Carry out all audit activities in an effective, professional and timely manner and issue reports as soon as practical on completion of each audit;
* Prepares annual/strategic plans, and manages the annual budget for the Department;
* Reviews the reliability and integrity of financial and operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify and report such information;
* Ascertains the existence of corporation assets and review the methods of ensuring their security;
* Audits all capital projects funded by loans, grants or internal sources;
* Proposes measures that will promote sound internal controls;
* Prepare and submits quarterly reports to the Board of Directors;
* Appraises the economy and efficiency with which resources are employed;
* Reviews operations or programmes to ascertain whether results are consistent with established goals and objectives and whether the operations are being carried on as planned;
* Reviews Audit working papers and conducts special investigations as and when the need arises.
* Ensuring technical development and capacity building of professional staff in the Internal Audit Unit.


* Masters degree in accounting, Finance, Management or other related fields with ACCA or CPA qualification;
* A strong experience of 5 years in Auditing;
* Should ideally be fluent in English and French with a good command of the two languages;
* Proven computer literacy in all Microsoft Office Tools.

Reporting line: The Chief Internal Auditor reports administratively to the RECO & RWASCO, Director General and functionally to the Board of Directors.

Procedure for applications: Interested candidates should send their CVs, notified copies of their degree certificates, an application letter and recommendation letters from at least two referees including their contact address to the address below no later than 08th October 2010 at 4:00PM.

P.O. Box 537 Kigali — Rwanda.
Tel: (250) 573666 Fax (250) 573802

Done at Kigali, on 23rd Sept 2010

Yves Muyange
Managing Director

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