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Thursday, September 30, 2010


The Atomic Energy Council is a Government institution established under Section 4 of Atomic Energy Act, 2008 as an independent corporate body. The Council is mandated to ensure protection and safety of individuals, society and the environment from dangers resulting from ionizing radiation as a competent regulatory authority for peaceful applications of atomic energy in Uganda.

Age: 35 - 55 years

The Secretary will be the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and will be responsible for the day today management of Atomic Energy Council Secretariat.
Description: Duties and Responsibilities:
• Implement policies and programmes of the Council.
• Advise Council on policy and research matters.
• Prepare programme implementation reports.
• Proper management of the funds and property of the Council.
• Initiate and coordinate public awareness programmes on atomic energy matters.
• Coordinate the preparation of financial and manpower estimates of the Secretariat. ;
• Appraise staff performance and advice on the areas for improvement.
• Vet departmental training plans, budget submissions, license applications and projects,
• Vet departmental training plans, budget submissions, license applications and projects.
• Ensure cost effectiveness of services provided to nuclear technology users and the public.
• Liaise with national and international bodies in related fields.
• Perform any other duty that may be assigned from time to time.

Minimum Qualifications and Work Experience:
• Honours Bachelors' Degree and Masters Degree from a recognized institution in any of the following fields: Radiological Technology, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Engineering, Radiation Protection or Nuclear Law.
• Postgraduate Training in Management.
• At least 5 years of relevant experience in nuclear environment or related field.
• Qualification in law will be an added advantage.

Terms of Service:
An attractive remuneration will be offered to a successful candidate on 5 years contract renewable on satisfactory performance.

Interested and qualified applicants should send in their sealed applications attached with Curriculum Vitae, copies of academic qualifications, and three (3) work related referees to the following address not later than 5.00 pm on Friday 8th October 2010

The Resident Director
Atomic Energy Council
Room: A217/8
Amber House
Plot 29/33 Kampala Road
P.O. Box 7270, Kampala

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