The objective of this consultancy is to prepare a relevant and current publication that informs policy makers and stakeholders around the world about different types of forced evictions and proven alternatives, using specific case studies, and drawing heavily from six years' of AGFE's missions and reports. The final report will be published in hard copy and electronic format, and is intended to be launched at the 23rd session of the Governing Council of UN-HABIATT (11-15 April 2011). The report is expected to create awareness regarding the causes, scale, repercussions of forced evictions, and how sustainable alternatives can be developed.
In carrying out this work, the consultant will review the body of work produced to date by AGFE, and consult additional expert sources (material available on the internet, previous HABITAT publications, etc.) in order to update some of the cases examined by AGFE, and present original analyses and recommendations supported by thorough research and literature review. In the course of this work, the consultant will select 10 case studies that together illustrate the diversity of issues and factors involved in forced evictions, and present relevant and proven sustainable alternatives. Cases will be selected according to how well they illustrate different contexts, with an aim to achieve the broadest representation possible according to the following characteristics:
Geographical Impetus for eviction (e.g., due to: legal conflict; removal of informal/illegal settlements; infrastructure/commercial development; environmental/health issues; re-zoning; natural disasters/potential for flooding; ethnic tensions)
Effected population (indigenous, minority, income level)
Scale of eviction
Political / legal context
The final report will provide useful information for practitioners and development partners, including: processes and resources for monitoring evictions globally; relevant national and international legal frameworks; insights and tools for managing evictions in a socially sustainable manner; and identification of priorities for further research.
The following activities will be carried out during the course of this consultancy:
Undertake a desk study of the existing forced eviction documentation, including assigned materials (see list of resources below)
Conduct discussions/teleconference(s)/interviews as needed with AGFE member, UN-HABITAT staff, and other stakeholders to obtain input, and ground truth findings and recommendations.
Identify and obtain any supplementary documentation that is not easily accessible through web searches.
Chose 10 case studies to highlight, including from among important eviction cases documented by AGFE since 2004, using criteria outlined under “Objective” in this TOR.
Synthesise the main findings and recommendations of the 2009 AGFE missions and UN-HABITAT-led fact-finding mission
Compile photographs (with photo credits and accurate captions) to illustrate documented cases and issues
Prepare all deliverables as specified in these TORs
Respond to and address adequately all comments from UN-HABITAT.
There will be three deliverables associated with this consultancy assignment.
Deliverable 1: Inception report
In the inception report, the consultant will propose his/her methodology, complete list of sources to be consulted, a travel schedule if travel is requested, preliminary choice of case studies, and overall approach. The inception report will contain an outline of the content of final report, an annotated table of contents, and a complete list of sources. Once it has been vetted and discussed with Habitat, the inception report will serve as the agreed methodological framework for this assignment.
Deliverable 2: Draft report and Draft PowerPoint Presentation
The draft report should not be more than 80 pages and may exclude Annexes. The draft report should address all the issues described in the ToRs and adhere to the approved inception report. Habitat will provide extensive comments and feedback on this draft report, to be addressed in the final report. A PowerPoint presentation of 20-25 slides should summarize the findings and recommendations of the draft report in a clear, concise, and interesting manner, and be submitted by April 1, 2011. Habitat staff will use the PowerPoint to present the work of this consultancy at the meetings of the 23rd Governing Council.
Deliverable 3: Final report, and PowerPoint presentation
The final report should incorporate comments and suggestions received in response to the draft report. The final report should not exceed 200 pages including all annexes, and and must follow the editorial and formatting guidelines contained in the annex of this TOR before it will be accepted. The final PowerPoint presentation will be used by Habitat staff to present the findings of the report to various audiences.
A minimum of a Masters degree in land tenure, migration, urban planning, or a related discipline
A minimum of seven years' international professional experience conducting research and analyses, and implementing projects and programs related to land/housing rights and urban development/planning, with at least two years specifically focused specifically on forced evictions. Knowledge of and experience with international organizations, NGOs, and other groups focusing on the issue of forced evictions around the world. Outstanding international consultancy and publication record.
Native level of English and working knowledge of at least one of the other languages of AGFE (French, Spanish, and Portuguese)
Demonstrated excellent analytical and writing skills
Payments will be based on deliverables over the consultancy period. There are set remuneration rates for consultancies. The rate is determined by functions performed and experience of the consultant. The fees will be paid as per agreement.
Applications should include:
Cover memo (maximum 1 page)
Summary CV (maximum 2 pages), indicating the following information:
Educational Background (incl. dates)
Professional Experience (assignments, tasks, achievements, duration by years/ months)
Other Experience and Expertise (e.g. Internships/ voluntary work, etc.)
Expertise and preferences regarding location of potential assignments
Expectations regarding remuneration
How to apply
All applications should be submitted to:
Mr./ Ms. Claudio Acioly
P.O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Fax: + 254 20 7624265
Please be advised that since April 15th 2010, applicants for consultancies must be part of the
UN-HABITAT e-Roster in order for their application to be considered. You can reach the e-Roster
through the following link:
Deadline for applications: 21 November 2010
UN-HABITAT does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact:
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