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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB) Application for Appointment of Directors for Nyandarua Water and Sanitation Company

The Rift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB) is responsible for the efficient and economical provision of the water services within its area of jurisdiction.
The Board provides these services through agents known as water service providers (WSPs). In order to address governance problems encountered by WSPs, the RVWSB, WSPs, and the shareholders and stakeholders of the WSPs have been spearheading implementation of the Corporate Governance Guidelines developed by the Water Services Regulatory Board (WASREB).
One aspect of the process is the recruitment of Company Directors whose primary function is oversight – overseeing the conduct of the Company’s business so that it is effectively managed in the long-term interest of shareholders and stakeholders.
The day to day management of the WSPs is carried out by a management team headed by a Managing Director.
Background of the directors
The composition of the directors requires a mix of skills. Apart from the directors from the respective Local Authorities, other directors should be from the following background:-
  1. Two members from the business and manufacturing community nominated by their bodies.
  2. One local professional from the professional bodies nominated from the bodies
  3. One representative from resident organizations.
  4. One member from a women organization
  5. Members from other local stakeholder groups and local institutions such as educationists, farmers, youth groups etc whose number will depend on the limit of directors provided for in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Where possible at least three of these members shall be women, provided that the eligibility criteria below are not compromised. Directors will be selected in such a way as to ensure equitable geographical distribution within the service area.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible all the persons appointed to the board must be:
  1. Literate and numerate to at least O level.
  2. Demonstrate experience and acumen in a business or any profession of at least 7 years.
  3. Demonstrate participation in local development initiatives.
  4. Have experience as change management agent.
  5. Not suppliers or other trading associates of the company
  6. Not persons in current professional or social relationships with directors of the company RVWSB therefore invites applications from qualified individuals from the above named institutions wishing to be considered to serve as directors of the water and sanitation companies listed in the table below.
Interested persons should submit their applications and curriculum vitae (CVs) and indicate the local stakeholder group or institution within the service area of the respective WSPs to which they belong.
The application should be sent in a plain and sealed envelop marked “Application for directorship” and deposited or sent to
either the Chief Executive Officer, Rift Valley Water Services Board, P.O. Box 2451, Nakuru
OR C/O The Managing Director, Nyandarua Water and Sanitation Company, P.O. Box 164 Nyahururu.
The applications should reach the above addresses on or before the close of business on 17th September, 2010.
Chief Executive Officer
Rift Valley Water Services Board

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