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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Consultancy Services for Recruitment of Project Staff

Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project
Office of the President Ministry of State for Special Programmes
Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project (WKCDD & FMP)
IDA Credit No 4278-KE
Request for Expression of Interest for Consultancy Services for Recruitment of Project Staff
The Government of Kenya has received a credit from the World Bank towards the cost of the Western Kenya Community Driven Development & Flood Mitigation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of the credit for consultancy services. The services include “Recruitment of staff for the Project as per the terms of reference, for specific positions.
The Project has the following three components: Community-Driven Development, Flood Management and Implementation Support. The Ministry of State for Special Programmes (MoSP) intends to fill the vacant posts on contract basis and therefore wishes to engage the services of a consulting firm to undertake the recruitment of a number of key project staff.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of State for Special Programmes, Office of the President, now invites eligible consulting firms to indicate their interest in providing the services.

Interested consultancy firms must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the service (description of similar assignments, experience in similar assignments, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.) which will enable MoSP to short list suitable firms.

Consultancy firms may associate to enhance their qualification.

The required qualifications are as follows:-

* At least 10 years experience in the field of recruitment.
* Team leader must have at least a Masters degree and 10 years experience in Human Resource Management.
* The firm should demonstrate capacity and experience to recruit staff in various professional fields.
* Proven experience conducting merit-based recruitment, vetting candidates for actual or potential conflicts of interest, and ensuring gender and other diversity issues are considered.
* Must have had experience with Public Service and World Bank operations.

The selection of the consulting firm will be done in accordance with procedures set out in the World Bank “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers” published in May 2004 and revised in October 2006 and May 2010.

Interested consulting firms may submit their Expression of Interest documents in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked “Western Kenya Community Driven Development and Flood Mitigation Project: Expression of Interest: Consultancy on “Recruitment of staff for WKCDD&FMP” to the address below or deposited in the tender box situated on 4th floor, Comcraft House, Haile Sellasie Avenue, Nairobi on or before – November 4th, 2010.

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of State for Special Programmes
Office of the President
P.O. Box 40213-00100 Nairobi- Kenya

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