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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Consultancy: Trainer of trainers training on selection, planning managementof incomegenerating activities Specific Terms of Reference for the assignment

The following specific tasks are expected to be undertaken by the consultant in regard to the mentioned assignment:

Hold discussions with G.R.A.C.E staff (particularly the Chief Executive Officer, Director, Programs Coordinator and Project Officer) to agree on specific issues related to income generating activities to be addressed in the training.
Based on the above discussion and drawn from the identified and agreed upon training materials, develop five-day training on income generating activities for TOTs.
Undertake two 5-day training workshops, for a total of 50 Tots of CBOs partnering with G.R.A.C.E on income generating activities to target families in the three provinces where G.R.A.C.E is implementing the NPI project.
Support the TOTs to develop practical action plans and draft business plans on establishment and management of IGAs to OVC caregivers in their respective areas of operation. The action plans should detail specific activities to be undertaken, timelines, number of OVC caregivers targeted, and resources required.
Undertake one-day monitoring and support supervision visits for each of the 15 CBO partners to monitor progress and support the TOTs in the sites.
Review IGA business plans developed by the caregivers through participatory approaches that help ensure activities are relevant and viable.


The following are the expected deliverables from this assignment:
Two (2)five-day(5) training workshop on the selection, planning, establishment and management of IGAs detailing training content; respective sessions and their objectives and facilitators responsible for each session.
Workshop reports on each of the training workshops for TOTs on establishment and management of IGAs, detailing the training content, training methodology; evaluation feedback from participants; action plans for roll out ; recommendations and a list of participants.
Field reports for each monitoring visit detailing progress made in implementation, challenges experiences, recommendations made and support provided and action points for G.R.A.C.E to follow up on.

G.R.A.C.E Africa’s responsibility

The Consultant will be responsible to the G.R.A.C.E Chief Executive Officer. In addition, both the G.R.A.C.E Director and the Project Officer will be available for consultation with the consultant before and after the exercise to guide the planning and report preparation exercise.

Specifically G.R.A.C.E Africa will provide the following:
Background information on the organization, the assignment and any other information relevant and necessary for the undertaking of the exercise.

USAID approved Training curriculum on selection, planning and management of Income Generating Activities (IGAs).

Transport, accommodation and meals during the training workshops and the field visits.

Desired background and experience
A Bachelor’s degree in community development, sociology, education, business administration and any other relevant field.
3 years  proven track record in training rural communities in all aspects of business management and principles
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Swahili.
A proven track record in tailor-made training material development in business related disciplines.
Experience in mentoring community groups as well as individuals in the selection, planning and management of businesses.
Experience with business development and marketing.
Ability and commitment to work to tight time frame.

Expression of interest
Interested candidates should submit expressions of interest, which include:
·         A capability statement, including committed availability for the entire assignment
·         An elaboration of the approach, methodology, complete with a timed and detailed work plan
·         A detailed financial proposal, including the following: consultant’s fees, operational costs (not including G.R.A.C.E’s inputs mentioned above) and other resources if necessary.

Submissions should be delivered to G.R. A.C.E Africa in a sealed envelope, clearly marked “RE: IGA TRAINING SUBMISSION” and addressed to:

The Director
GRACE Africa
Ole Odume road (2 gates past Riara)
PO Box 13993 - 00200

Or emailed to not later than 17th November 2010.

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