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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission [TJRC] Request for Services and Consultancy Proposals

The Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission [TJRC] is seeking proposals in the following categories:

1. Consultant Trainers

    * The Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission is seeking proposals from professional consultants with minimum university degree and post graduate diploma in journalism or a university degree in communication;
    * at least 15 years experience in journalism and 3 years in training on truth seeking and criminal accountability, journalism and conflict;
    * socially responsible journalism and transformative media.
    * The consultants will be required to train journalists assigned to cover the TJRC process and independent correspondents over a 4 week period.

2. Media Monitoring

    * Provide mass media monitoring of coverage of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission in electronic and print media at the national and community level.
    * Provide TJRC with daily coverage and monthly reports.

3. Perception Audit

    * Provide independent analysis of stakeholder and public perception of the TJRC

4. Development of curricula for Civic Education


To include:

    * A handbook for Civic Education
    * Curriculum for Civic Education
    * Manual for Civic Education

5. Provision of a small sized law firm/ individual advocate/consortium
TJRC/ 010/2010-2011

6. Special Support Services

In the following categories;

    * Content development, design and production of child friendly information, education and communication (lEC)materials (Institutional or individual consultants) ;
    * Sign language interpretation services (Institutional or individual consultants);
    * Translation and production of Braille information, education and communication (IEC) materials (institutional consultants);
    * Professional Counseling Services (Institutional providers);
    * Simultaneous interpretation services and equipment (Institutional providers);
    * Outdoor chairs, tables and tents (Institutional providers);
    * Play therapy materials for children (institutional providers);

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the commission's website

A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained from TJRC offices at Delta House , ground floor, during official working hours.

Bidders may bid for one or more categories. Bid evaluation will be per category and contract will be awarded on category basis.

Duly completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes marked with the respective tender number and name should be deposited in the TJRC tender box located on the Ground Floor, Delta House Westlands on or before 18th January 2011 at 12.00 noon.

If posted, the tenders should be clearly marked :"DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 18th JANUARY 2011"and addressed to:

The Secretary
Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission
P.O Box 14641-00800

Tenders will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of tenderers or their representatives who choose to attend

Tenders received after the stated time and date will be returned to the bidders unopened.

Commission Secretary,
Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission

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