DUTY STATION: Kassala with frequent travel to the field
REPORTING TO: NLRC Regional Programme Coordinator
DIRECT REPORTS: NLRC Country Representative in Khartoum
MISSION PERIOD : 6 months from January 1 , 2010
Sudan, the largest country of Africa, is diverse in every aspect: There is major cultural, tribal, and religious diversity, and it knows more than 600 spoken languages. Various tribes have always competed for access to natural resources such as water and pastoral lands, leading to frequent armed conflict at local level and reinforcing tribal identities. Tribal territorial leadership structures and the nation State form two overlay governance structures, of which the tribal one provides people strongest identity, often ascending the outer borders. This complex of internal factors, and outside interest due to its vast natural resources such as oil and minerals, has contributed to the country’s current instability.
Brief Description of the NLRC/CRC program in Kassala State
The projects are being implemented in Kassala State, eastern Sudan, on the border with Eritrea. Kassala town, the state capital, is a relatively small town some 700 km (10 hours drive) from Khartoum. In 2003 the NLRC took over from the IFRC; primary health care projects for internally displaced people (IDP’s) in five camps. The projects are implemented by the SRCS Branch Kassala. The assistance consists of preventive and curative health care: primary health care clinics, subsidized provision of drugs, and assistance with deliveries, laboratory investigations, vaccinations, health education, growth monitoring, family planning, oral rehydration therapy and antenatal/post natal care.
The NLRC/SRCS has undertaken also a water and sanitation program covering 5 camps. Essentially all the water and sanitation components within the IDP camps are scheduled to end as of December 2008. However, monitoring of the pumping systems in IDP camps may spill over to the first half of 2010.
At this moment a single integrated health programme is being implemented which includes watsan and supported by the Netherlands Red Cross and Canadian Red Cross. Medicines are donated by UNICEF, the Ministry of Health seconds personnel and WFP assists the IDP’s and communities of Hamashkoreib, Oudi and Telkook with food.
An important element of our support is strengthening the capacities of the Sudanese Red Crescent Kassala branch, which due to the location of Kassala plays a vital role in serving vulnerable groups, and is the main implementing agency of UN and other NGO´s.
The current activity is the result of an operational partnership between the Sudanese Red Crescent (SRCS), the Netherlands Red Cross (NLRC) and the Canadian Red Cross (CRC) initiated mid 2007. The project is funded by the governments of the Netherlands and Canadian and the Canadian Red Cross.
Duties Applicable to All
- Work towards the achievement of National Red Cross /Red Crescent Society goals in the country/region of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork.
- Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities.
- Perform other work related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the supervisor.
- To uphold the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross / Red Crescent movement and comply with the Code of Conduct and policies.
Key Responsibilities
- To support the implementation and monitor the watsan and hygiene components of the projects according to NLRC/CRC project and donor guidelines. All aspects and activities of the program are owned by the SRCS and therefore must be discussed and implemented in through and in consultation with SRCS;
- To communicate and report on progress of designated activities (SRCS Kassala, NLRC/CRC programme manager in Kassala, NLRC/CRC Country Representative in Khartoum, Red Cross Movement partners in Kassala and external stakeholders);
- To provide regular and accurate narrative and financial reports;
- To be responsible for the proper usage of the funds allocated to the watsan and hygiene components of the projects;
- To advise SRCS on technical matters;
- To ensure capacity building of the SRCS programme staff, locality and MoH seconded staff to the project giving special emphasis to design, development and application of participatory methodologies;
- Support the counterpart in the coaching of community structures such water/sanitation committees including volunteers and hygiene promoters in the application of PHAST and other participatory techniques;
- To identify training needs for SRCS staff, volunteers and other staff involved;
- Ensure good integration at branch and implementation level of watsan activities taking place in the communities;
- To identify needs and possibilities for new interventions within the mandate of the SRCS/NLRC/CRC. In case new activity is planned, carry out assessment and prepare project proposals in cooperation with the SRCS;
- To assist the SRCS in emergency interventions where applicable;
- To give special emphasis to long term impact incl. environmental, sustainability and community involvement;
- To represent the NLRC/CRC in the absence of the Programme manager at meetings in Kassala and/or Khartoum as requested.
Required Qualifications:
- Water and or Environmental Health Engineering degree with strong expertise in community based approaches;
- Experience in working in rural Africa ideally in a post-conflict environment;
- Good programme management skills, including planning, monitoring, reporting
- Good reporting skills, narrative and financial
- Experience in managing, motivating, training and development of staff;
- Able to coordinate with authorities/other NGO partners
- Good communication skills (Fluent in English, Arabic would be an important asset)
- Good mental and physical health, able to work in an isolated environment
- Self-supporting in computers (good knowledge of Windows, spreadsheets, MSA Office)
- Valid international driving licence (manual gears)
- Culturally sensitive
Preferred Qualifications:
- Experience in working for the RC/RC movement;
- RC/RC Basic Training Course (BTC) or equivalent knowledge.
Key Working Relationships
Internal: Netherlands Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, Sudanese Red Crescent, and IFRC/ICRC (occasionally)
External: Ministry of Health, UN Agencies representatives (UNICEF, WFP), other NGOs.
Position within the organisation
- The watsan delegate works in a team led by the NLRC/CRC Programme Manager, in support of the SRCS project team in Kassala.
- The watsan delegate is directly answerable to the NLRC/CRC Programme Manager in Kassala regarding all operational/administrative and security matters.
- The watsan delegate is the counter-part of the watsan project coordinator of SRCS
- The watsan delegate is overall responsible at field level for the management and implementation of the watsan and hygiene component of the programme as defined in the program documents.
- For other projects that may be given support to, the watsan delegate works in close cooperation with the Programme Manager.
- The delegate cooperates closely with his/her watsan team (SRCS staff)
Interested parties may submit their resumes quoting Competition Number 64 to the following address applications@redcross.nl
Closing date November 27, 2009
While we appreciate all responses, only candidates under consideration will be contacted.
A reference check can form part of the selection process