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Monday, September 6, 2010

Matrix Development Consultants - Senior Cadastral Specialist (Full-Time)

Matrix Development Consultants is an international consulting company incorporated and registered in Kenya with offices in Nairobi. For over 25 years, Matrix has partnered with development agencies to implement projects throughout Eastern and Southern Africa. Matrix, together with our partner, is currently implementing a project in Mozambique for Component 3 – Support for Land Administration Systems and the National Land Cadastre.
We are seeking a Senior Cadastral Specialist (Full-Time) to be based in Maputo with travel to project sites in country.

Improvements in the administration of land through the more effective management of land records and the cadastre and improvements to service delivery in the land sector is one of the central objectives of the MCA programme. Key elements of the MCA land component are improvements to the cadastre under a wider programme of improvement to the administration of land. Component 3 therefore requires institutional strengthening and support to the national and provincial cadastral offices in the northern provinces. This support will be in the form of technical Assistance and upgrading of the SPGC and District Offices in the north and ICT improvements to the Cadastre and land information systems. This will however require establishing standards and norms at central level and completing an overall audit and review of the principal spatial datasets.

The Scope of Work for the Cadastral Specialist will include the following:
  • Establishing and maintaining links with the relevant national, provincial and municipal authorities in relation to the development of land administration procedures;
  • Coordination of the needs assessment in respect to land administration and assistance to the development of a proposal for a national Land Administration Strategy;
  • Overseeing the development and introduction of improved procedures, norms and standards in respect to Land Administration processes;
  • Development of methods for the use and digitizing of existing cadastral archives
  • Support to the development of training materials and curricula for land administration staff.

Cadastral work will be undertaken at both the Central and Decentralised levels. At decentralised level both the SPGCs and the municipalities will be included in the target provinces. A senior cadastral specialist will be based at central level and four mid-level specialists located in the provinces.
Specific tasks and activities of all of the Land Cadastre Specialists include the following;
  • Completion of a review of all current procedures and recording of information for the cadastre. This should be done in close consultation with all land administration staff in the municipalities and the SPGCs. Compilation of accurate statistics on current work flows, numbers of parcels recorded per year, field inspections etc plus principal constraints will be an essential part of the work.
  • Analysis in each of the selected districts and municipality areas of the current capacity for cadastral mapping.
  • Oversee the development of cadastral procedures and norms in rural and urban contexts, and establishment of a basis for information to be incorporated into a national land information system;
  • Development of an up-to-date spatial framework data for cadastral purposes

The specialist will make contributions to:
    • Compilation of all existing records and statistics to a basic set of standards for analysis and for re-design of systems and procedures.
    • The National Land Administration Strategy as the final output of the needs assessment – as the main output will define all subsequent implementation activities
    • Proposals for improving service delivery
    • Provincial/District Cadastral Office Strengthening
    • Municipal Cadastral Office Strengthening
Start date for the Senior Cadastral advisor will be ASAP and will run for Two years.
The person must therefore have:
Sound understanding and experience of cadastral survey procedures and practices and skills in GIS and GPS  
  1. Application
Kindly send your application (email only) to
We will continuously review applications and contact candidates we would like to pursue further.

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