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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christ is the Answer Ministries Request for Proposal – Sound Consultancy

Background Information
Christ Is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) formerly known as Nairobi Pentecostal Church was established in 1959. In
2003 Nairobi Pentecostal Church (NPC) changed its name to Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) and registered
as an autonomous independent entity under the Societies Act of Kenya.
Christ is the Answer Ministries currently oversees eight church assemblies namely; Valley Road, Woodley, Karen Parklands, Ngong, Kisumu, Buruburu, and Thika Road, as well as several Ministry Units/Institutions, namely Hope FM (Radio), 4 academic institutions, NPC Children’s centre in Kiserian and a catering unit.
1. Assignment Overview
Good Sound is one of the vital aspects of the CITAM assemblies and HOPE FM. Often the ministry has experienced  challenges in offering quality sound during the Sunday services and other functions. The CITAM Leadership has therefore recommended the hiring of a consultant to provide an in-depth analysis to the causes of the production of
unsatisfactory sound, with a view of finding lasting solutions.
2. Terms of Reference for the Consultant(s)
The consultant will:-
  • Carry out an electro acoustic survey in all assemblies
  • Audit the existing sound equipment and give current status and suitability
  • Audit the storage and archiving system
  • Advise on integration of a sound and video equipment
  • Conduct skill and training analysis for capacity building
  • Establish a suitable standardization structure for the equipment across all CITAM assemblies
  • Develop a standard procurement procedure and technical specification for all equipment
  • Assess existing network infrastructure with a view of making future provisions/upgrades
  • Advise on quality, recording, archiving and storage
  • Explore WAN real-time traffic deployment at the various assemblies
  • Recommend on how the sound system and the auxiliary equipment (keyboards, drums, guitars etc) should be integrated
  • Recommend a cost effective multi phased implementation matrix
  • Networking of voice, data and video services in the LAN and WAN routing topologies including devices that facilitate server, Internet, remote access links and other configurations.
  • Any other relevant technological inputs that will enhance the spread of the Gospel.
4. Evaluation Criteria:
The consultants will be evaluated on the following parameters:-
  • Fulfill all legal requirements including but not limited to Certificate of Registration, Tax Compliance, Physical Address, PIN No, Directorship etc.
  • Demonstrate technical abilities/competence through citations and qualifications of its members of technical staff. A list of referees will also be a requirement.
  • Ability to carry out a comprehensive assessment of current audio and visual infrastructure and make recommendations.
  • Innovativeness
  • Competent on general ICT environments. This will include multi-platform networking of Audio, data and Video (Linux, sun, windows environments), Video conferencing, production and rendering.
  • Ability to carry out sufficient training for media crew
  • Ability by the stipulated terms of reference
  • Listing of other clients where similar assignment was carried out.
Proposals should be delivered in plain sealed envelope clearly marked:
Provision of sound consultancy services; and be addressed t o:
Minister for Administration
Christ is The Answer Ministries
Diani Road off Ole Odume Road
P.o Box 42254 00100 Nairobi
Tel: 3864657/8 Fax 3864659
To be received on or before October 1st, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.
Late submissions will be returned unopened. CITAM is not bound to accept any tender or give reasons for its decision.
Disclosure and Disclaimer
CITAM in its sole discretion, may withdraw this Request for Proposal before or after receiving submissions, may accept or reject any or all submissions, and may waive any irregularities if CITAM deems it appropriate and in its
best interest. CITAM shall determine the responsiveness and acceptability of any proposal submitted.

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